Handling Email and SMS Messages

On this page:

Messaging Procedure

To send message the application must save the message information into the database with all of the prerequisites fulfilled.

After the message is sent the notification_time field is additionally set with CALL_REMOTE_viewed method when the user opens the Messaggi ricevuti menu.

Message Forwarding

The /opt/masonsql/bin/cronjobs file is forwarding authority for email messages and text messages in the queue.
It reads the PerlSetVar variables from Apache config file. The queue is queried from the public.messages table.
The cronjobs file is scheduled in /etc/crontab file to run every minute.

Email Forwarding

The message is sent when all these prerequisites are fulfilled:

  • the messages_users.email_result field is NULL or contains an error,
  • when the messages_users.notification_time is NULL,
  • when the messages.transmission_time is not NULL,
  • when the messages.email field is TRUE.

After the message is sent the cronjobs file writes a note in the messages_users.email_result which at the same time also disables the resending of the message.

General Email Settings

Variable Name Description Sample Values
MailXMailer X-Mailer address in email header. "MyAppXMailAddress"
MailMax4Connection Maximum number connection retries to the SMTP server. "3"
MailForceTo Force all mails to this address with the messages_users.id value prepended to a mail header. The variable is used for development purposes. Otherwise, when the variable is not set, emails are sent to the an user's email address from the anagrafiche.email field. "name.surname@provider.com"

Sender Email Settings

Setting Name Variable Name Description Sample ValuesSorted ascending
charset Charset. Set to: 'utf8'  
keepconnection   Set to: 1  
on_errors   Set to: 'code'  
port MailPortServer SMTP port number. "36"
authpwd MailAuthpwd Authentication password. "MailAuthPassword"
from MailFrom From address in email header. "my_user_auth@mydomain.com"
authid MailAuthid Authentication ID. "my_user_auth@mydomain.com"
client Auth_AC_Domain   "my-development-domain.com"
auth AuthType Authentication type. "PLAIN"
smtp MailSmtpServer SMTP server address. "smtp.emaildomain.com"

SMS Settings

Versione pagina: r2 - 01 Apr 2016, JanezStangelj
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