Subversion Repositories cms


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<%def _toc>
%# =========================================================================================================
%# This object create a TOC, Table of contents
%# =========================================================================================================
% my $difTab = $param{'tocTab'} - $prevTab;
% while ($difTab > 0){  #--- positive Tab ---
%  $difTab --;
% }
% while ($difTab < 0){  #--- negative Tab ---
%  $difTab ++;
% }
<dt><% $numbering %><a href="<%$hrefMain%>#<% $param{'id'} %>"><% $param{'tocAnchor'} %></a>
% $lastTocTab = $param{'tocTab'};
  $numbering => ''
  $hrefMain => $r->uri
<%def _itemDesc>
%# =========================================================================================================
%# This object create a description of a item, with: header description, image, footer description, tip
%# =========================================================================================================
<div class="sect2">
<div class="titlepage">
<div><h3 class="title">
<a name="<% $param{'id'} %>"></a><% $param{'title'} %></h3></div></div>
<a name="anc-<% $param{'id'} %>"></a><p><% $param{'header'} %></p>
% if($param{'image'}){
<div class="screenshot"><div class="mediaobject">
<img src="<% $param{'image'} %>" alt="<% $param{'imagealt'} %>">
% }
<p><% $param{'footer'} %></p>
% if($param{'tip'}){
<div class="tip" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
<h3 class="title">[[HP_component_itemDesc_tip_IT]]</h3>
<p><% $param{'tip'} %></p>
% }
%# =============================================  End of Embedded Components ===========================
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../help/toc.css" type="text/css">
<body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF">
<div class="book">
<div class="titlepage">
<div><h1 class="title">
<a name="id2750823"></a>[[HP_title_cms_IT]]</h1>
<div><p class="copyright">[[HP_title_copyright_IT]]</p></div>
<div><div><div class="abstract"><p>[[HP_title_slogan_IT]]</p>
%#----------------------------------- TOC ----------------------------------
<div class="toc">
<h1 class="title" style="clear: both">
%# -------- init TOC ---------
%#--------- All the item TOC ----------------
% foreach my $curitem (sort keys %hashItem){  
<% $m->comp('_toc', prevTab => $lastTocTab, param => $hashItem{$curitem}) %>
% }
%# -------- finish TOC ---------
% while ($lastTocTab > 0){
%  $lastTocTab --;
% }
%#------------------------------- END TOC ----------------------------------
<div class="sect1">
<div class="titlepage">
<div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a name="subscribing"></a>[[HP_fradmin_tit_IT]]</h2>
%#--------- All the item descriptions ----------------
% foreach my $curitem (sort keys %hashItem){  
<% $m->comp('_itemDesc', param => $hashItem{$curitem}) %>
% }
  $href => $r->uri
  $hindex => ''
  my $lastTocTab = 0;
  my $header = '[[HP_frteacher_classlist_header_IT]]';
  my $path = '[[path_help_image_fradmin]]';
  my $tip = '';

  my %hashItem = (
       item1 =>{
                id         => '[[MN_menuAdminId_newuser]]',
                title      => '[[MN_menuAdmin_newuser_IT]]',
                header     => "[[HP_fradmin_newuser_header_IT]]",
                image      => $path.'student1.png',
                imagealt   => "picture",
                footer     => "[[HP_fradmin_newuser_footer_IT]]",
                tip        => "[[HP_fradmin_newuser_tip_IT]]",
                tocAnchor  => '[[MN_menuAdmin_newuser_IT]]',
                tocTab     => '0',
       item2 =>{
                id         => '[[MN_menuAdminId_listteacher]]',
                title      => '[[MN_menuAdmin_listteacher_IT]]',
                header     => "[[HP_fradmin_listteacher_header_IT]]",
                image      => $path.'listteacher.png',
                imagealt   => "picture",
                footer     => "[[HP_fradmin_listteacher_footer_IT]]",
                tip        => "[[HP_fradmin_listteacher_tip_IT]]",
                tocAnchor  => '[[MN_menuAdmin_listteacher_IT]]',
                tocTab     => '0',
       item3 =>{
                id         => '[[MN_menuAdminId_liststudent]]',
                title      => '[[MN_menuAdmin_liststudent_IT]]',
                header     => "[[HP_fradmin_liststudent_header_IT]]",
                image      => $path.'liststudent.png',
                imagealt   => "picture",
                footer     => "[[HP_fradmin_liststudent_footer_IT]]",
                tip        => "$tip",
                tocAnchor  => '[[MN_menuAdmin_liststudent_IT]]',
                tocTab     => '0',
       item4 =>{
                id         => '[[MN_menuAdminId_listgestion]]',
                title      => '[[MN_menuAdmin_listgestion_IT]]',
                header     => "[[HP_fradmin_listgestion_header_IT]]",
                image      => '',
                imagealt   => "picture",
                footer     => "[[HP_fradmin_listgestion_footer_IT]]",
                tip        => "$tip",
                tocAnchor  => '[[MN_menuAdmin_listgestion_IT]]',
                tocTab     => '0',
       item5 =>{
                id         => '[[MN_menuAdminId_listadmin]]',
                title      => '[[MN_menuAdmin_listadmin_IT]]',
                header     => "[[HP_fradmin_listadmin_header_IT]]",
                image      => '',
                imagealt   => "picture",
                footer     => "[[HP_fradmin_listadmin_footer_IT]]",
                tip        => "$tip",
                tocAnchor  => '[[MN_menuAdmin_listadmin_IT]]',
                tocTab     => '0',
       item6 =>{
                id         => '[[MN_menuAdminId_newclass]]',
                title      => '[[MN_menuAdmin_newclass_IT]]',
                header     => "[[HP_fradmin_newclass_header_IT]]",
                image      => $path .'class1.png',
                imagealt   => "picture",
                footer     => "[[HP_fradmin_newclass_footer_IT]]",
                tip        => "$tip",
                tocAnchor  => '[[MN_menuAdmin_newclass_IT]]',
                tocTab     => '0',
       item7 =>{
                id         => '[[MN_menuAdminId_listclass]]',
                title      => '[[MN_menuAdmin_listclass_IT]]',
                header     => "[[HP_fradmin_listclass_header_IT]]",
                image      => $path .'listclass.png',
                imagealt   => "",
                footer     => "[[HP_fradmin_listclass_footer_IT]]",
                tip        => "",
                tocAnchor  => '[[MN_menuAdmin_listclass_IT]]',
                tocTab     => '0',
       item7a =>{
                id         => 'select-class',
                title      => '[[HP_fradmin_modifyclass_IT]]',
                header     => "[[HP_fradmin_modifyclass_header_IT]]",
                image      => $path .'class.png',
                imagealt   => "",
                footer     => "[[HP_fradmin_modifyclass_footer_IT]]",
                tip        => "",
                tocAnchor  => '[[HP_fradmin_modifyclass_IT]]',
                tocTab     => '1',
       item8 =>{
                id         => '[[MN_menuAdminId_siteschool]]',
                title      => '[[HP_menuTeacher_siteschool_IT]]',
                header     => "[[HP_fradmin_siteschool_header_IT]]",
                image      => $path .'siteschool.png',
                imagealt   => "",
                footer     => "[[HP_fradmin_siteschool_footer_IT]]",
                tip        => "",
                tocAnchor  => '[[HP_menuTeacher_siteschool_IT]]',
                tocTab     => '0',
       item9 =>{
                id         => '[[MN_menuAdminId_help]]',
                title      => '[[MN_menuClass_help_IT]]',
                header     => "[[HP_fradmin_help_header_IT]]",
                image      => '',
                imagealt   => "",
                footer     => "[[HP_fradmin_help_footer_IT]]",
                tip        => "",
                tocAnchor  => '[[MN_menuClass_help_IT]]',
                tocTab     => '0',