Authorization Methods and Subroutines

[SQL injection check] Queries generated by the GUI are controlled by the server.


Subroutine NameSorted ascending Parameter Name Valid Input Description
  $permission_group   Group to which user must be authorized.
  $table   Name of the table for which the permission is being checked.
  $report report_name.odt,
Report name. If the $report is not defined or there is no suffix the utility is chosen based on value of the DefaultReportEngine variable from the Apache config file.
  $table   Name of the table for which the permission is being checked.
CheckIfReportExists()     If the report method is odt or pdf the subroutine checks if the report name can be found in public.odt_reports table.
If the report method is rep the subroutine uses FindReportmanFile() to search and validate the found report file. The subroutine returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.
ReportMethod()     The subroutine checks the $report parameter for suffix and returns which report utility is used.

The check_where_clause() subroutine parses the query and verifies that only authorized keywords, fields and operators are used. Here are the methods that change its behavior:


Method Name Description Default Contents
PERMISSION Is used for overriding of the default PERMISSION_BY_PROFILE. <%method PERMISSION><&SELF:PERMISSION_BY_PROFILE&></%method>
PERMISSION_BY_PROFILE It reads permissions for the record-set manipulation based on the user's profile. It is used often to return user's permissions of the current FUNZIONE. Possible return values:
Empty return is equivalent to have no permissions allowed;
* is equivalent to having all permissions.
AUTHORIZED_FUNCTIONS A list of authorized functions. Used to check queries from browser. Empty.
AUTHORIZED_KEYWORDS A list of authorized keywords. Used to check queries from browser. Default keywords are AND, OR, NOT, IS, NULL.
AUTHORIZED_OPERATORS A list of authorized operators. Used to check queries from browser. Default authorized operators are <=, >=, =, <, >, =, ~*, LIKE, ILIKE
AUTHORIZED_FIELDS A list of authorized fields. Used to check queries from browser. Default list is <& SELF:KEY &>, <& SELF:FIELDS &>, <& SELF:FIND_FIELDS &>

This topic: MasonSQL > WebHome > DbmsLibraryComponent > DbmsLibraryAuthorizationMethods
Topic revision: 21 Sep 2016, JanezStangelj
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