
The Button widget is a graphical control element that provides to user a simple way to trigger an event.

On this page:


Parameter Name Description Default ValueSorted ascending
caption button text 'Button_'.$id.
description Tooltip. Empty string.
value value to render Empty string.
id Select ID. Undefined.
readonly can't change state if in readonly mode Undefined.
caption_value if defined : the caption is set equal to Value. Undefined.
width button width Undefined.
bgcolor button color Undefined.




The button demo is available here.

Button With Value

<h3>Button with value = 'my value'</h3>
<& /input/button.comp,
        id => 'test1',
        description => 'Descrizione pulsante',
        caption => 'Test button',
        value => 'my value',
        onclick => q|javascript: alert('Value=\''+this.get_value()+'\'')|

Button Without Value

<& /input/button.comp,
        id => 'test2',
        description => 'Descrizione pulsante',
        caption => 'Test button',
        value => ' '

Button With Attributes

<& /input/button.comp,
        id => 'test3',
        description => 'color , size and readonly',
        caption => 'My Button',
        value => '',
	width => 100,
	readonly => 1,
	bgcolor => 'green'

This topic: MasonSQL > WebHome > InputWidgets > ButtonComponent
Topic revision: 21 Sep 2016, JanezStangelj
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