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Results from MasonSQL web retrieved at 09:10 (GMT)

Adding Child Frame In this example we will display a table together with one linking table. We will also do some improvements of the input fields. On this page: ...
Inheriting Table Properties In this chapter we will make the orders3.mql file which inherits properties from orders2.mql file. We will add the properties that we ...
Additional Tools Print Server A print server utility is used for printing to a local printer in the raw mode, connected to user PC. The utility is in the /opt/ma...
Autohandlers The autohandlers offer improved inherit mechanism. That means they might just as well be used as normal libraries. If we want to write a generalized ...
Configure backup system to preserve database integrity The backup system copy every file in the server, but database files during backup can change and final re...
Common Parameters Parameters common to select.comp, htmlselect.comp and divselect.comp widgets: Parameter Name Description Default Value id Select Com...
DisplayBinding Class On this page: Subroutines Function Name Parameter Name Valid Input Value Description printUrl() Joins the input argument...
Access to PostgreSQL Database On this page: Setting Up pgAdmin With Tunneling It is convenient to use pgAdmin for the PostgreSQL database administration. After i...
Internal Database The MasonSQL component /opt/masonsql/htdocs/lib/dbms_library.comp makes SQL queries to internal PostgreSQL database 9.5 which conforms to SQL st...
DBMS Library Component The dbms_library.comp provides database interface. Some of its methods are also used by frame.html. Its less complex methods are intended ...
Ubuntu 18_04 LTS (Bionic) # apt get y install cpanminus build essential Utilizzando mpm_event o mpm_worker abbiamo riscontrato degli errori nell'esecuzione e ...
Installazione Macchina Virtuale Install Virtual Machine wget 12.04 standard_12.04 1_amd64.tar.gz Creata la V...
Upgrade from Ubuntu Precise VPS to Xenial # E' importante sapere qual'e' la versione presente lsb_release a # La risposta sara' di questo tipo: # # No LSB modul...
Creata la VM con almeno 512M/RAM e 2Gbye di disco si procede con l'aggiornamento del sistema operativo e con l'installazione dei package. Create the VM with at le...
# apt get install cpanminus build essential Utilizzando mpm_event o mpm_worker abbiamo riscontrato degli errori nell'esecuzione e pertanto la configurazione con...
Upgrade from Ubuntu Xenial VPS to Bionic On this page: Upgrade O.S. * to upgrade to ubuntu 18 04 lts bionic beaver Upgrade Postgr...
DisplayBinding Class On this page: Subroutines Function Name Parameter Name Valid Input Value Description printSelected() Sets the dataBindin...
Duplicating Application to New Server OS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) in VPS (OpenVZ) In this example we will duplicate the https://gas ...
Il framework MasonSQL è dotato di un sistema di messaggistica per gli utenti con le seguenti modalità di inoltro: * visualizzazione dei messaggi nel portale we...
Handling Email and SMS Messages On this page: Messaging Procedure To send message the application must save the message information into the database with all of...
Import data from XLS tables and others formats (XLS, JSON, ...) Preliminary * Now the framework permit to export data, but not to import and the exported tabl...
Input Widgets The Input widgets are a JavaScript widgets that provide means to input or display different types of data into or from the internal database. A typ...
sudo su # Locale settings update locale LC_ALL=it_IT.UTF 8 LANG=it_IT.UTF 8 locale gen dpkg reconfigure tzdata # Update packages apt get update apt get upgrade ...
Javascript Widgets Dojo Toolkit The MasonSQL framework currently uses the Dojo Toolkit version 1.9 which is an Ajax framework. See the public resources at http:/...
Deploy Let's Encrypt SSL certificates With the non profit certificate authority Let's Encrypt, it is possible to get free https certificates. Certificates expire...
library.comp Subroutines The library component is the MasonSQL root component which initializes logging, includes most essential Perl modules and provides a coupl...
Managing Groups An authorization mechanism in the MasonSQL framework is implemented with groups. Its a concept similar to Unix file system authorization although ...
Mason Configuration File The MasonSQL configuration file path /opt/masonsql/etc/apache2.masonsql.conf must be included in the application config file: Eg. /opt/de...
Mason Literature The Mason Book There is a great book about Mason, titled Embedding Perl in HTML with Mason, by Dave Rolsky and Ken Williams. The book's website ...
MasonSQL Support Matrix SVN Release Operating System Server Apache Mason Perl Perlbrew Perl Dojo masonsql/tags/1.9.1 Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Preci...
Creating Table With Empty SQL File In this chapter we will create an example demo application for a small bakery shop, to this purpose we need to create some kind...
Creating Table With Simple SQL File In this chapter we will make the orders2.mql file and fill it up with a few simple methods. We will also add the table in the ...
Il framework MasonSQL dispone di un generatore di report nei formati ODT e PDF. I dati da includere nel report vengono estratti dal database mediante delle query....
Application to export POD documentation from SVN/GIT to Foswiki portal Introduction Leader.IT uses a Foswiki Web portal to manage documentations, also this docum...
MasonSql porting to Apache 2.4 The current (2016) version of MasonSQL is compatible with Apache 2.0 and 2.2 with part of it compatible with very old version 1.3....
Proprietary Classes On this page: Auth_AC::Auth_AC The MasonSQL Authentication library consists of two classes: * Auth_AC::AuthBasicHandler handles Session ba...
Recoding optimizations 2018 ATTENTION: These changes (from svn version 534) are not compatible with older versions! Update Dojo Toolkit Update code to the most r...
Report Component The report.pdf component receives a command line parameters that are passed on to the Reportman or to the ODT Report library which in turn gener...
User Self Registration Management Self Registration Processing Initial Understanding Document * Initial Understanding Document Overview MasonSQL framewor...
Session Management to manage user connection from many workstation and mobiles. Preface MasonSQL framework uses authentication based on Cookie. If the user open...
Copy Paste features in MasonSQL TABLE form Preface In the MasonSQl form of type TABLE at the left, for each row, there is a flag used to select colums to delete ...
Testing MasonSQL Queries On this page: Running test_callRemote.html This test file /opt/masonsql/htdocs/test/test_callRemote.html is small enough to analyze it q...
Turning On Debugs * The application initialization file /opt/demo_masonsql/htdocs/init.application.comp is intended for enabling debugs and setting the debug l...
Using DivSelect Widget On this page: Defining Children's Fields In this example we'll be adding the divselect widget to the employee field.The FIELDS_NOT_NULL co...
Using Select and HtmlSelect Widgets We already have an example table with Commission ID and Employee ID fields pointing to their children tables which is not very...
Using Number Widget The number widget is input number widget, it is used for input fields that should contain a numeric value. You can set restrictions on the nu...
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * * * SVN Repository
MasonSQL Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the MasonSQL web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and ,...
Statistics for MasonSQL Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads:...
Number of topics: 53
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