%TMPL:INCLUDE{"foswiki"}% %TMPL:INCLUDE{"attachtables"}%

%TMPL:DEF{"logo"}%%TMPL:END% %TMPL:DEF{"titleaction"}%(set personal picture) %TMPL:END%

%{ Header for topic attachment table }% %TMPL:DEF{ATTACH:files:header}%

%{ Header for table at top of attach screen }% %TMPL:DEF{ATTACH:files:header:A}%%TMPL:END%

%{ Row for table at top of attach screen }% %TMPL:DEF{ATTACH:files:row:A}%%TMPL:END%

%{ Footer for table at top of attach screen }% %TMPL:DEF{ATTACH:files:footer:A}%%TMPL:END%

%{ A basic row definition, for attachment table and attach screen }% %TMPL:DEF{ATTACH:files:row(basic)}%%TMPL:END%

%{ Footer for topic attachment table }% %TMPL:DEF{ATTACH:files:footer}%

%TMPL:DEF{"topicactionbuttons"}% o Rinuncia%TMPL:END%

%TMPL:DEF{"pagetitle"}%Set your personal picture%TMPL:END%



%TMPL:DEF{"form"}%%TMPL:END% %TMPL:DEF{"attachments"}%%TMPL:END%





Questa pagina: Main > PersonalInfoPictureViewTemplate
Versione pagina: 15 Aug 2010, ProjectContributor
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