XLS Methods

Method Name Description Default ContentsSorted ascending
SELECT_XLS A select query that configures SqlSelect() subroutine from the xls method. <%method SELECT_XLS>
SELECT_XLS_FIELDS A list of select fields for the query from the xls method. The list configures SqlSelect() subroutine. <%method SELECT_XLS_FIELDS>
TYPE_FIELDS_XLS A list of field types in the XLS table. If the method is not defined the xls method tries to obtain field types from the database.
(In old release <= 1.9.1, inclusive in the initial position with the format (number) of the primary key)
Not defined.
xls Is the method that is called when user presses the XLS button.
Its default behavior can be changed with SELECT_XLS, SELECT_XLS_FIELDS and TYPE_FIELDS_XLS methods.
The method exports currently displayed table into the .xls file.
The Xls permissions relate specifically to this function.

Questa pagina: MasonSQL > WebHome > DbmsLibraryComponent > DbmsLibraryXlsMethods
Versione pagina: 07 Oct 2021, GuidoBrugnara
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