Testing MasonSQL Queries

On this page:

Running test_callRemote.html

This test file /opt/masonsql/htdocs/test/test_callRemote.html is small enough to analyze it quickly. In the header of the trasmitted page we can see included the dojo.js and bunch of Dojo style sheets. Further we see included the core .js files from htdocs/lib/ directory.

After the includes there is the require function which is also seen commonly in all of the MasonSQL htmls. We can find it in the htdocs/autohandler file which is the topmost parent of the test_callRemote.html.

We see the require callback function uses window.masonSql object which is found in the htdocs/lib/library.js file. It is inherited from the dojo/Evented class. We see that the window.masonSql.ready() function fires a ready event:

this.emit("ready", obj);

Above the require in the htdocs/autohandler file we can also see the Perl code that outputs the header with all includes.

After resolving the headings we continue with the button code (.../test_callRemote.htm contents):

<h1>Test callRemote</H1>
<button onclick="Call();">call /test_callRemote.mql - test_callRemote</button> 
  function Call(){
    var db = new DataBinding('Recordset', 'test_callRemote', 1);
    db.callRemote('test_callRemote', {par1: 'parametro uno', par2: 'parametro due'}, 'html', {title: 'Test call remote'});

Data Binding

Here we see the DataBinding() object under test which is found in htdocs/lib/databinding.js file. We see that the DataBinding_callRemote() method at first saves the input parameters into the JavaScript Object:

var call_params = {'caller':'.callRemote',
    'name':this.prefix, 'orderby': this.orderby, 'where2': this.where, remote_func_params:params,
    'father_id': this.father_id, 'father_id_update':this.father_id_update, remote_func_name: remote_func

Then it defines callback on the server which uses the masonSql_Dialog.openUrl() method to run the .mql file with the JSON formatted call_params . The masonSql_Dialog.openUrl() method finally shows the query result in the browser dialog box:

masonSql_Dialog.openUrl('<%$DataBaseUrl%>/'+db.from+'.mql', url_params, X, Y, title);

Running test_callRemote.mql

This last piece of code which is executed on the server does basically the same thing as writing the following text in the browser:


In order to find out where the request's parameters are parsed we must follow the inherit flag, the parents of the test_callRemote.mql are:
  1. htdocs/data/public/autohandler
  2. htdocs/data/autohandler
  3. htdocs/data/global_autohandler
  4. htdocs/lib/dbms_library.comp
  5. htdocs/init.comp
  6. htdocs/library.comp (topmost parent)

We see that the HTML GET or POST parameters are normalized and stored in the global variable %{$Session{ARGS}} from htdocs/init.comp

When the request gets interpreted there is an if statement at the end of the htdocs/lib/dbms_library.comp which checks how component was called. If the component was called without a method it runs the call_method() with the normalized parameters.

$m->base_comp->call_method($method, %{$Session{ARGS}});

Running .mql Files

Its possible to use the mechanism, described in previous chapter, for making query requests from a browser. For example:


Parameter method accepts file format, it supports these formats:

Parameter Name DescriptionSorted ascending
html Displays query results is in the html format.
txt Displays query results is in the txt format.
xml Displays query results is in the xml format.
array Displays query results transformed into a DataBinding object.
pdf Generates a pdf report and sends it to the printer (requires the appropriate .rep file to generate a report).
call_remote Launch a remote method on the server which must be predefined as the CALL_REMOTE_<function_name>
select Request displays query results transformed into a Select object.
xls Returns .mql file which contains query results in the xls format.

Running frame.html

For example the MasonSQL Demo website user can look up the descriptions of the MasonSQL tables under the menu Authorizations->Functions and authorizations. The same information can be displayed by entering following address:


Questa pagina: MasonSQL > WebHome > TestingQueries
Versione pagina: 22 Apr 2018, GuidoBrugnara
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