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Adding Child Frame In this example we will display a table together with one linking table. We will also do some improvements of the input fields. On this page: ...
Inheriting Table Properties In this chapter we will make the orders3.mql file which inherits properties from orders2.mql file. We will add the properties that we ...
Additional Tools Print Server A print server utility is used for printing to a local printer in the raw mode, connected to user PC. The utility is in the /opt/ma...
Autohandlers The autohandlers offer improved inherit mechanism. That means they might just as well be used as normal libraries. If we want to write a generalized ...
Configure backup system to preserve database integrity The backup system copy every file in the server, but database files during backup can change and final re...
* SVN in pagina separata In caso di richiesta di autenticazione fornire login e password utilizzati nel Wiki
button.comp The Button widget is a graphical control element that provides to user a simple way to trigger an event. On this page: Parameters Parameter Name ...
checkbox.comp The Checkbox is commonly used when more than one option may need to be selected. Checking the box enables that option and unchecking it disables it....
codfisc_pi.comp This widget is used for personal fiscal and VAT identification codes used in Italy. Input Parameters: Parameters The widget checks the validity o...
color.comp The color widget allows user to find a color. On this page: Parameters Parameter Name Description Default Value $value A color string whic...
Common Parameters Parameters common to select.comp, htmlselect.comp and divselect.comp widgets: Parameter Name Description Default Value id Select Com...
Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Mode=Read;Extended Properties="DRIVER={PostgreSQL Unicode};DATABASE=masonsql;SERVER=;USER=report;PASSWORD=...
DisplayBinding Class On this page: Subroutines Function Name Parameter Name Valid Input Value Description printUrl() Joins the input argument...
Access to PostgreSQL Database On this page: Setting Up pgAdmin With Tunneling It is convenient to use pgAdmin for the PostgreSQL database administration. After i...
Internal Database The MasonSQL component /opt/masonsql/htdocs/lib/dbms_library.comp makes SQL queries to internal PostgreSQL database 9.5 which conforms to SQL st...
date.comp The Date widget is used for displaying or setting a date. Input Parameters: Parameters The date must be specified in DD/MM/YYYY format. Parameter Nam...
Authorization Methods and Subroutines SQL injection check Queries generated by the GUI are controlled by the server. Subroutines Subroutine Name Parameter ...
Auxiliary Methods Method Name Arguments Description Default Contents DELETE_IF_FIELD_EMPTY Contains a list of field names. Defines which fi...
DBMS Library Component The dbms_library.comp provides database interface. Some of its methods are also used by frame.html. Its less complex methods are intended ...
FATHER, CHILD Methods The web page with a father and one or more children can be configured with a collection of methods: Method Name Desc...
FIELDS Methods Some of the FIELDS methods were already encountered in previous chapters; Here's the complete list of the FIELDS methods: Method Name Descripti...
FIND Methods Method Name Parameter Name Description Default Value FIND The method displays a find bar for filtering the records. The method can p...
Forms Methods Forms Some of these methods are related to methods in frame.html. Method Name Parameter Name Description Default Value FORM_TYPE T...
INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE Method Name Arguments Description Default Contents INSERT Insert a new record.The metod is cal...
PRE, POST, POST_NO The hooks for these methods are available to be executed prior or after the INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE queries. The methods can generate a SQL co...
Query Methods and Subroutines There's a general convention to use the PRE, POST and POST_NO methods for handling fields in the tables and INSERT, UPDATE and DELET...
Query Subroutines Name Arguments Description Array2UpdateSql() The subroutine is used for updating or inserting records sent by GUI in an array for...
Report Methods The report methods are called when a browser makes a pdf query request (see Testing Queries). The query request is initiated with printSelected()...
Report Methods, Subroutines and Component Report Component report.pdf Component
Report Subroutines DBMS Library subroutines related to reporting. Subroutine Name Parameter Name Valid Input Value Description Array2report_idSql() ...
SELECT Method Name Arguments Description Default Contents Example Usage SELECT_FIELDS A list of fields to be inserted into table's select query....
Universal Methods and Subroutines Method orSubroutine Name Parameter Name Valid Input Value orAttribute Value Description Default Value Find_Compone...
XLS Methods Method Name Description Default Contents xls Is the method that is called when user presses the XLS button.Its default behavior can be cha...
_FIELD Methods As shown in the examples from previous chapters each field can also be uniquely configured. Here's the list of the FIELD methods: Method Name A...
Ubuntu 18_04 LTS (Bionic) # apt get y install cpanminus build essential Utilizzando mpm_event o mpm_worker abbiamo riscontrato degli errori nell'esecuzione e ...
Installazione Macchina Virtuale Install Virtual Machine wget http://download.proxmox.com/appliances/system/ubuntu 12.04 standard_12.04 1_amd64.tar.gz Creata la V...
Upgrade from Ubuntu Precise VPS to Xenial # E' importante sapere qual'e' la versione presente lsb_release a # La risposta sara' di questo tipo: # # No LSB modul...
Creata la VM con almeno 512M/RAM e 2Gbye di disco si procede con l'aggiornamento del sistema operativo e con l'installazione dei package. Create the VM with at le...
# apt get install cpanminus build essential Utilizzando mpm_event o mpm_worker abbiamo riscontrato degli errori nell'esecuzione e pertanto la configurazione con...
Upgrade from Ubuntu Xenial VPS to Bionic On this page: Upgrade O.S. * https://linuxconfig.org/how to upgrade to ubuntu 18 04 lts bionic beaver Upgrade Postgr...
DisplayBinding Class On this page: Subroutines Function Name Parameter Name Valid Input Value Description printSelected() Sets the dataBindin...
divselect.comp The DivSelect widget is the most sophisticated of the three available select widgets. Its intended for showing more complex drop down lists. It has...
Duplicating Application to New Server OS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) in VPS (OpenVZ) In this example we will duplicate the https://gas devel.leader.it ...
Il framework MasonSQL è dotato di un sistema di messaggistica per gli utenti con le seguenti modalità di inoltro: * visualizzazione dei messaggi nel portale we...
FCKeditor.comp FCKEditor is a browser based WYSIWYG content editor. This means the content being edited is a genuine graphical representation of the published con...
file.comp The file widget contains the base64 encoded content of a file. An upload window pops up in edit mode on mouse click on the widget. On double click the c...
Files.comp The Files widget enables users to attach files to records in a table. Input Parameters: Parameters Parameter Name Description Default Value ...
form.comp The Form widget provides possibility to use forms in a popup window. Input Parameters: Parameters Parameter Name Description Default Value id...
frame.html On this page: Input Parameters Input Parameter Description Default Value form Indicates which type of form will be di...
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