pagine figlia de DbmsLibraryQueryMethods nel Web MasonSQL

Risultati dal Web MasonSQL recuperato a 14:09 (GMT)

Auxiliary Methods Method Name Arguments Description Default Contents DELETE_IF_FIELD_EMPTY Contains a list of field names. Defines which fi...
INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE Method Name Arguments Description Default Contents INSERT Insert a new record.The metod is cal...
PRE, POST, POST_NO The hooks for these methods are available to be executed prior or after the INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE queries. The methods can generate a SQL co...
Query Subroutines Name Arguments Description Array2UpdateSql() The subroutine is used for updating or inserting records sent by GUI in an array for...
SELECT Method Name Arguments Description Default Contents Example Usage SELECT_FIELDS A list of fields to be inserted into table's select query....
Numero di pagine: 5
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