Report Manager

Prints a report manager (.rep) file to a Adobe PDF file.

Version: printreptopdf 2.9a

Usage: printreptopdf [Options] -stdin|reportfilename [outputfilename]

Option Name Description
-q Quiet mode, don't show progress
-from   n Prints report from page pnum
-to     n Prints report to page pnum
-copies n Prints pnum copies
-u Generate not compressed pdf
-m Generate Report Metafile Stream format
-collate Collate the copies
-csv Output to comma separated values
-svg Output to scalable vector graphics format
-ctxt Output to custom text
-csvseparator CSV output separator
-paramPARAMNAME=paramvalue Assign a value to a parameter
-stdin Read from standard input instead from a file
-text Generate text output with escape codes to print
-textdriver driver Use the text driver for text output
-oemconvert Force recode to oem for text output
-html Generate Html output

This topic: MasonSQL > DbmsLibraryReportComponent > ReportManagerOptions
Topic revision: 21 Jun 2016, JanezStangelj
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