Using DivSelect Widget

On this page:

Defining Children's Fields

In this example we'll be adding the divselect widget to the employee field.
The FIELDS_NOT_NULL constraint is still recommended:

<%method FIELDS_NOT_NULL>name, surname, city</%method>

Adding DivSelect Field

We add the drop-down list for the employee field with employee_FIELD method:

<%method employee_FIELD>
  <& SELF:GenericSelect_FIELD,
     from => 'demo/sel_employees',
     widget => 'divselect',
     width => 200,
     empty => '', empty_descr => '',               # force GenericSelect_FIELD default values
     empty_button => 'Nobody',
     cols => [80,80,60,120,60,60,40],              # demo/employees field widths
     disp_template => q|P[0]+' '+P[1]+' - '+P[4]|, # widget display when closed - P[N] is a field value in the N'th position
     %ARGS &>
  find_select_list => ['=' => '=']     # types of comparison in find menu
  select_from => 'demo/sel_employees'

The same way as for previous select widgets we must set the from to refer to the child table demo/sel_employees.

We get the divselect drop-down list:

DivSelect widget.

Here are the divselect template settings:

Parameter NameSorted descending Description
empty_button The parameter sets the name of the empty field button that will be displayed in the divselect form.
disp_template The disp_template format string is a valid jscript where values are saved in P array.
cols The array sets the widths of the fields of the displayed table.

This topic: MasonSQL > WebHome > UsingDivSelectField
Topic revision: 22 Apr 2018, GuidoBrugnara
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