Attention! Perlbrew deploy is necessary only on Ubutu 12.04!

# Install Perlbrew
apt-get -y update
apt-get -y install perlbrew
mkdir /opt/masonsql/perlbrew
# Add PERLBREW_ROOT to the environment
export PERLBREW_ROOT=/opt/masonsql/perlbrew
perlbrew init
source /opt/masonsql/perlbrew/etc/bashrc
# Install cpanm
perlbrew install-cpanm
# Install & switch perl-5.18.4 version
perlbrew install perl-5.18.4
perlbrew switch perl-5.18.4
# Install CPAN modules needed by ODT Report
cpanm Encode
cpanm HTML::Entities
cpanm DBI
apt-get -y install libpq-dev
cpanm DBD::Pg
apt-get -y install libexpat1-dev
cpanm ODF::lpOD
cpanm DTL::Fast
cpanm Image::Info
cpanm File::MimeInfo;
cpanm File::Temp
cpanm Cwd
cpanm Text::Balanced
cpanm Data::Dumper
cpanm IPC::Run
cpanm IPC::Run::SafeHandles
cpanm JSON::XS
cpanm JSON
Topic revision: r8 - 20 Aug 2017, GuidoBrugnara
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