Closing a new order as a general representative

Orders can be closed; that is, with their status changing from ATTIVO (active) to CHIUSO (closed), in two ways:

1 In the "natural" way, after 0:00 on the day indicated in the Data Chiusura (closing date) field;

intergas chiusuranaturale.png
Closing of order in the natural way

2 If the general representative wants to force the anticipated closing of the order, he can then click on the CHIUDI SUBITO L'ORDINE ED INVIA IL RIEPILOGO ORDINE AI SOCI CHE HANNO ORDINATO button;

intergas attivasubito(ordinochiusononattivo).png
Order in closed status after clicking on the *CHIUDI SUBITO... button*

In both cases, the following events will happen:
  • members who have ordered at least one product will receive an email with a summary of the order;
  • the order status changes from ATTIVO (active) to CHIUSO (avviso) (closed with notification) – during the transmission of the mail to the members - and then to CHIUSO (closed);

intergas attivasubito(ordinochiusononattivo).png
Order in closed status after clicking on the CHIUDI SUBITO... button

  • in the GESTIONE ORDINI (order management) screen, the ORDINE TRASMESSO AL PRODUTTORE (order sent to producer) button appears;

intergas chiusuraordinetrasmesso.png
The aforementioned button appears

Frequently asked questions

I am a zone representative (the same is true for general representatives) and the order is closed, but a member from my zone asked me to add a belated order, is this possible?

Yes. In the GESTIONE ORDINI screen, on the Dettaglio Ordinativi Dei Soci part, click on NUOVI (new) and then in the empty field add the Zona (zone), Socio (member), Prodotto (product), Quantità Ordinata (quantity ordered). Repeat the process for all the products to be inserted; at the end, click on SALVA (save).

This topic: OldProjects/InterGAS > WebHome > IstruzioniGenerali > ChiusuraOrdine
Topic revision: 09 Jul 2016, PaoloRomero
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