Creating a new order as a general representative

When the general producer representative has to open a new order, he must follow the procedure below:

1 Click on the ORDINI (Orders) menu and then on GESTIONE ORDINI (Order Management);

intergas nuovoordine.png
Order management

2 On the Ordini screen, click on NUOVO (New);

intergas nuovoordine4.png
New order

3 Click on the PRODUTTORE (Producer) field and select the product on the window that appears;

intergas nuovoordine5.png
Selecting the producer

4 Insert the dates wherein the order was opened (Data attivazione) and when the order was closed (Data chiusura): write a message on the Note field to communicate to all members regarding the mail notifying the opening of a new order;

intergas nuovoordine6.png
Inserting the opening/closing dates

5 Then, click on SALVA (Save): at this point, below the the Prodotti ordinabili (Products to be ordered) screen, with all the lists inserted previously in the Produttore screen found in the GAS --> PRODUTTORI menu;

intergas nuovoordine7.png
Order saved.

6 On the Prodotti ordinabili screen, click on MODIFICA (Modify) and on the ORDINABILE column, tick the products that you want to appear on the order; after this, click on SALVA;

intergas nuovoordine8.png
Preparing the order

The order will be saved with the following status: NUOVO.

Frequently asked questions

I knew that a new order was issued to the vinegar producer, but I have not receive the mail stating the opening of a new order, nor do I see the order on ORDINI DEL SOCIO (Orders by members), why is this so?

Take note that the order is visible (and thus also the mail that notifies that a new order was issued on the application) only to those members that have an active referente di zona (zone representative) for that particular producer.

How can I know who the general representatives are (referenti dei produttori), as well as the zones, for a specific producer?

Click on the GAS menu and then on PRODUTTORI (Producers). Insert one part of the producer's name on the upper left part of the screen, particularly on the RAGIONE SOCIALE (business name) or NOME BREVE (short name) fields and then click on APPLICA FILTRO (apply filter).

I am a general representative and I would like to add a new zone representative (referente di zona), how do I do this?

Click on the GAS menu and then on PRODUTTORI: search the producer, and then go to the bottom of the page, on the Referenti (representatives) tab. Click on NUOVI (new) and then select the member's name and his particular zone; click on SALVA when finished.

This topic: OldProjects/InterGAS > WebHome > IstruzioniGenerali > CreazioneNuovoOrdine
Topic revision: 10 Jul 2016, GuidoBrugnara
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