Assigning roles

As explained earlier, different roles apply to different GAS members. There are eight roles available to be assigned in GASLeader, and they are the following.

intergas utenti.png
Groups to where a user belongs

Most users will likely fall under the category of Gas_users. Members of this role will be able to use the software with full functionality as regards tracking orders, sending and receiving messages, and accessing member lists as well as order lists. This is the most basic unit of available roles.

Gas_acquisti are users who are enabled to manage orders; certain members of Gas_users may be assigned to this role, if, for instance, they are permitted by their administrator to manage orders on behalf of someone, or in the case of an emergency.

Gas_tesorieri are the treasurers; this role is enabled to manage orders and finances.

Gas_ref_zone refers to members who are the respective representatives for a certain area within the region; this means that they are responsible for managing orders within their area of responsibility. More on this will be highlighted in the creation of orders; the zone does not have a single contact person for all producers, but rather, several contact persons for each producer. It must be noted that a zone does not have a single zone representative for all producers, but rather different representatives for each producer. Moreover, only the members who belong to a zone associated to a particular producer can purchase products from that particular producer. Generally, a zone representative has the same zone associated to the producer as its zone it belongs to as a member. The Coordinator and Counselor (Coordinatore and Consigliere) roles in the Zona di appartenenza dei gruppi screen are merely organising roles.

Gas_ref_prod refers to members who are the respective representatives for a a particular producer; this means that they manage the relationship, the orders, and the data of particular producers. The product representative maintains contact, manages the list, and manages the orders for a particular producer.

Gas_admins are responsible for the overall management of a GAS; this includes, apart from managing orders and finances, are also enabled to manage user lists, assign roles, create producers and do general system administration tasks.

This topic: OldProjects/InterGAS > WebHome > UtentiServizi > CreazioneRuoli
Topic revision: 10 Jul 2016, GuidoBrugnara
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