Sending the order to the producer

In order to proceed with this step, the order status must be: ORDINATO (ordered).

To send the order to the producer, the general representative (referente del produttore) should perform the following steps on the GESTIONE ORDINI (order management) screen:

1. In Ordini, click on the choice on the STAMPE (print) button for ARTICOLO, ZONA E SOCIO, ZONA E ARTICOLO (article, zone, and member/zone and article): such summaries in PDF format can be saved on your own PC and sent as an attachment to an email to the producer;

intergas stampeperarticolo.png
Summary in PDF format

2. In Dettaglio Ordinativi dei Soci (members' orders' details), click on APPLICA FILTRO (apply filter) button on the left, and then on the button under XLS: in this way, the order summary will be saved in Excel format. In this case you will also be able to attach it to a message and send it to the producer;

intergas riepilogo.png
Summary in XLS format

After having sent the email to the producer, the general representative should click on the ORDINE TRASMESSO AL PRODUTTORE (order sent to the producer) button with the following events happening:
  • the order status changes from CHIUSO (closed) to ORDINATO (ordered);
  • in the GESTIONE ORDINI screen, the MERCE IN CONSEGNA AI REFERENTI DI ZONA (goods in transit to zone representatives) button appears;

Frequently asked questions

I am a zone representative (the same is true for general representatives) and the order was already sent to the producer (order status: ORDINATO), but a member from my zone belatedly requested me to add an order, can I do this?

No, because the producer is already preparing the goods to be sent to the general representative and/or the zone representative.

This topic: OldProjects/InterGAS > WebHome > IstruzioniGenerali > InvioOrdine
Topic revision: 11 Jul 2016, PaoloRomero
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