Linux Day 2011

The usual day dedicated to the dissemination of free software organised by Linuxtrent was promoted in this year's round table with the theme: Free Software in Trento: the excellence and the prospects - School, University, Research, Public Administration, and the labor market compared.

Guido Brugnara was invited to to the meeting as a representative of the labor market, and for many years, engaged in the business development model based on the use of free software. Marta Dalmaso, Provincial Councillor for Education and Sports, also took part in the meeting.

On this meeting, which was held at 3 PM, the presentation of the Perl SCADA & Dojo HMI project was re-shown; the same presentation was shown at the Italian Perl Workshop 2011 in Turin, wherein concrete examples of the use of free software on the part of Trento-based companies providing services in the area (Trento's Agenzia per la Depurazione - Water Purification Agency).

The event was covered by local media and broadcast on ; for more information, log on to
Topic revision: r4 - 05 Jun 2016, PaoloRomero
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