User Self-Registration Management

Self Registration Processing

Initial Understanding Document


MasonSQL framework allows new user to do self-registration by doing request through MasonSQL login page and then system will verify login information and send confirmation email to new user with login credentials for first login.
  • MasonSQL administrator user should enable self-registration feature in apache configuration file to allow end user to register to this framework.
  • New user can submit basic information to create new account to access this framework.
  • User registration is supported for two different types (syslogin and email). Following section will give more detail about user registration types.
  • User will be allowed to change password by using "Reset Password" feature.
  • New user should confirm his login within predefined time frame. In case user fails to do confirmation, MasonSQL system will remove those users permanently.
  • New user registration will be enabled with captcha feature.
  • User will be allowed to change password by using "Reset Password" feature.
  • User will get SMS alert with initial password in case valid number has provided.

Functional Processing

  • New user registration feature can be activated using "UserRegistration" parameter as "enable" or "disable" in apache configuration file.
  • User can get self-registration form on login page itself. User can enter basic profile information to create new login.
  • System supports two type of registrations today (syslogin & email). Administrator user should set "LoginType" parameter as "syslogin" or "email" to activate desired feature.

  • System will verify user login detail and will send confirmation mail with initial password on given email id. After getting acknowledgement mail, end user has to confirm registration by login into system with predefined time frame. System administrator user can set user confirmation time in days in apache configuration file.

Captcha Setup

MasonSQL framework supports user registration and password reset features to allow end users to do self-registration into system. System supports captcha feature to make sure that end user is real human sending this request and not a robot program. MasonSQL uses open source captcha solution provided by google services. System administrator user must have google account to register your domain and to generate site key and secret keys to use reCaptcha for your domain. Below are easy steps to generate your keys to utilize this feature.
  • Generate API Keys
    • Administrator user should use google credentials and login to to create reCaptcha keys. Google sevices will ask you to register your website, so give it a suitable name, then list domains (for example where this particular reCAPTCHA will be used. Subdomains (such as will be automatically taken into account. Once you register to this site, you will get a "Site key" and "Secret key" as below.You will need both these keys to make captcha validation in MasonSQL.
      CaptchaReg.PNG CaptchaKeys2.png '
  • Configure keys in MasonSQL
    Administrator user should configure "ReCaptchaAPISecretKey" and "ReCaptchaAPISiteKey" parameters in apache configuration file to utilize reCaptcha feature.

User Screens

  • Administraor user should set registration feature enabled to allow self-registration. Below are images showing new registration form and login page


System Configuration

This section will give overview of list of configuration parameters required for user registration. Administrator user should configure below parameters in apache configuration file to change the behavior of the system.

{| style="background-color:white;" ! Config Parameter !! Description !! Example |- | UserRegistration | User Registration enable/disable:
  • [Enable]: User registration will be enabled
  • [Disable]: User registration will be disabled.
Administrator user should set "enable" value to allow end user to register to framework. | PerlSetVar UserRegistration "enable" |- | UserPasswordReset | User Password Reset enable/disable:
  • [Enable]: User password reset will be enabled
  • [Disable]: User password reset will be disabled.
Administrator user should set "enable" value to allow end user to reset password for given login. | PerlSetVar UserPasswordReset "enable" |- | LoginType | User Registration Type:
  • [syslogin]: New user can use same email id and can create multiple unique login id's.
  • [email]: Unique id-mail will be used as a login ID
| PerlSetVar LoginType "syslogin" |- | NewUserRegisterGroup | User registration default group name:
  • [Guest]: Any new user will be added into "Guest" group.
  • [Admins]: Any new user will be added into "Admins" group.
Administrator user should use valid group name for this parameter. | PerlSetVar NewUserRegisterGroup "Guest" |- | UserRegTypeMessage | User registration sms or email notification configuration.
  • [email]: End user will get temporary password as email.
  • [sms]: End user will get temporary password as sms. "Cell. SMS" field will be mandatory on form.
User will get notification only if correct email or phone number has been provided. | PerlSetVar UserRegTypeMessage"email" |- | PasswordRandPattern | Registered user random password format:
  • c - Any lower case Latin [a-z]
  • C - Any uppercase Latin [A-Z]
  • N - Any digits [0-9]
  • . - Any of the above
  • S - A character "salt" [A-Za-z0-9./]
  • B - Any binary data
  • ! - A punctuation character [`~! @ $% ^ & * () -_ + = {} [] \ :;" '. <>? / #,]
| PerlSetVar PasswordRandPattern "Cccsssnn" |- | MaxTimeToConfirmUserRegistration | The maximum time for the new user confirmation in days:
  • [days] number of days in digit (ie 7, 15, 30, 60)
| PerlSetVar MaxTimeToConfirmUserRegistration 7 |- | ReCaptchaAPISecretKey | reCaptcha API site key generated for domain.
This key will be used to validate reCaptcha at server side. | nowrap | PerlSetVar ReCaptchaAPISecretKey '6LchdQgUAAAAAL9Ui' |- | ReCaptchaAPISiteKey | reCaptcha API secret key generated for domain.
This key will be used to generate captcha widget at client side. | PerlSetVar ReCaptchaAPISiteKey '6LchdQgUAAAAAK' |- | UserRegOptionalFields | List of active optional fields (fields defined in table public.anagrafiche ).
Available fields:
  • cell_sms
  • codice_fiscale
  • descrizione
  • indirizzo
  • provincia
  • citta
  • tele1
  • tele2
| PerlSetVar UserRegOptionalFields "descrizione codice_fiscale" |}

I Attachment ActionSorted ascending Size Date Who Comment
CaptchaKeys2.pngpng CaptchaKeys2.png manage 15 K 08 Oct 2016 - 15:25 RajeshMadaye  
CaptchaReg.PNGPNG CaptchaReg.PNG manage 15 K 08 Oct 2016 - 14:13 RajeshMadaye  
CaptureReg.PNGPNG CaptureReg.PNG manage 20 K 08 Oct 2016 - 14:11 RajeshMadaye CaptchaRegistration
UserRegistrationAllImages.pngpng UserRegistrationAllImages.png manage 63 K 15 Oct 2016 - 13:35 RajeshMadaye User Registration Images
UserRegistrationScreens.pngpng UserRegistrationScreens.png manage 61 K 20 Oct 2016 - 15:22 RajeshMadaye UserRegistrationScreens
This topic: MasonSQL > WebHome > SelfRegistration
Topic revision: 08 Sep 2023, GuidoBrugnara
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