Statistics for Main Web

Month: Topic
Sorted ascending
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Sep 2024 4041 0 0 319 WebCreateNewTopic
158 WebStatistics
130 WebSearch
100 GuidoBrugnara
 97 WebHome
 81 SitePreferences
 79 PersonalInfo
 75 WebChanges
 71 PersonalInfoHome
 65 RegistrationAgent
 63 WebIndex
Aug 2024 8421 0 0 787 WebCreateNewTopic
384 WebStatistics
332 WebSearch
245 PersonalInfo
219 WebHome
187 GuidoBrugnara
150 PersonalInfoHome
149 UserForm
145 UserListByLocation
143 WebChanges
142 SitePreferences
Jul 2024 6199 0 0 642 WebCreateNewTopic
293 PersonalInfoHome
208 WebStatistics
207 PersonalInfo
191 WebHome
190 WebSearch
178 GuidoBrugnara
150 WebChanges
127 WikiUsers
111 WikiGroups
 97 MatteoPagani
Jun 2024 6708 0 0 1020 WebSearch
735 WebCreateNewTopic
242 WebStatistics
201 WebHome
170 GuidoBrugnara
126 WikiUsers
117 WebChanges
116 WebIndex
112 PersonalInfo
110 WikiGroups
108 WebTopicList
May 2024 10677 0 0 981 WebCreateNewTopic
523 WebStatistics
332 PersonalInfo
272 SitePreferences
264 WebSearch
220 UserListByLocation
217 WebChanges
214 UserListByDateJoined
213 UserList
208 UserForm
199 GuidoBrugnara
Apr 2024 8762 0 0 814 WebCreateNewTopic
249 WebStatistics
191 GuidoBrugnara
189 WebSearch
188 PersonalInfo
176 PersonalInfoHome
167 WebChanges
157 WebHome
143 WebTopicList
142 MatteoPagani
139 WebIndex
Mar 2024 7304 0 0 633 WebCreateNewTopic
201 PersonalInfo
153 WebStatistics
152 SitePreferences
142 IreneBrugnara
139 WebSearch
134 WebHome
130 GuidoBrugnara
127 PersonalInfoHome
125 WebChanges
114 UserList
Feb 2024 8327 0 0 3381 PersonalInfoHome
580 WebCreateNewTopic
169 WebSearch
119 PersonalInfo
110 GuidoBrugnara
 95 WebStatistics
 88 PaoloRomero
 83 GuestUser2
 82 AndreaTallaros
 81 MatteoPagani
 79 WebHome
Jan 2024 30198 0 0 15246 PersonalInfo
10997 PersonalInfoHome
322 WebCreateNewTopic
270 WebSearch
158 WebStatistics
115 GuidoBrugnara
113 WebHome
 99 NobodyGroup
 90 MasonSQLRoGroup
 82 BlogGroup
 72 RajeshMadaye
Dec 2023 32451 0 0 20471 PersonalInfo
7589 PersonalInfoHome
306 WebCreateNewTopic
152 WebStatistics
140 WebSearch
114 GuidoBrugnara
102 WebHome
 97 WebIndex
 93 WebChanges
 87 NobodyGroup
 87 SitePreferences
Nov 2023 14795 5 0 6187 PersonalInfo
1590 WebCreateNewTopic
447 PersonalInfoHome
197 WebHome
194 GuidoBrugnara
185 WebSearch
173 WebStatistics
153 SitePreferences
152 WikiUsers
152 PaoloRomero
129 WikiGroups
  2 RegistrationAgent
  2 WikiGuest
  1 Huling01Huling01
Oct 2023 7466 0 0 2263 WebStatistics
736 WebCreateNewTopic
628 PersonalInfo
176 SitePreferences
146 GuidoBrugnara
104 UserListByLocation
 88 WebHome
 82 UserListByDateJoined
 82 WebSearch
 79 NeloTovar
 78 WebIndex
Sep 2023 4282 0 0 532 WebCreateNewTopic
400 WebStatistics
217 PersonalInfo
119 GuidoBrugnara
 91 SitePreferences
 89 WebSearch
 81 WebChanges
 72 WebPreferences
 68 WebHome
 67 WikiUsers
 60 UserListByLocation
Aug 2023 3715 0 0 364 WebCreateNewTopic
186 WebStatistics
152 GuidoBrugnara
138 WikiUsers
138 WebHome
103 WikiGroups
100 WebSearch
 80 WebIndex
 75 WebChanges
 71 PersonalInfo
 69 WebPreferences
Jul 2023 1868 0 0 142 WebCreateNewTopic
 93 WebHome
 77 WebStatistics
 74 GuidoBrugnara
 53 WikiUsers
 51 WebSearch
 49 WebChanges
 48 WebIndex
 45 UserList
 35 WebPreferences
 35 WikiGroups
Jun 2023 690 0 0  73 WebHome
 44 WebSearch
 42 WebCreateNewTopic
 39 GuidoBrugnara
 34 WebIndex
 27 WikiUsers
 23 WikiGroups
 22 WebStatistics
 18 WebTopicList
 18 WebPreferences
 16 WebNotify
May 2023 3648 0 0 889 WebHome
299 WebSearch
246 WebCreateNewTopic
102 WebStatistics
 88 GuidoBrugnara
 85 WikiGroups
 84 WikiUsers
 78 WebTopicList
 65 WebPreferences
 61 WebIndex
 48 WebNotify
Apr 2023 2464 0 0 661 WebSearch
196 WebHome
107 WikiUsers
 98 WebStatistics
 92 WikiGroups
 86 WebCreateNewTopic
 80 WebTopicList
 68 WebPreferences
 65 WebIndex
 63 GuidoBrugnara
 56 WebChanges
Mar 2023 3397 0 0 984 WebHome
159 WikiUsers
150 WebSearch
148 WebStatistics
 98 WebPreferences
 88 WikiGroups
 75 WebIndex
 68 UserListByDateJoined
 62 WebNotify
 61 GuidoBrugnara
 59 WebTopicList
Feb 2023 2828 0 0 292 WebSearch
219 WebHome
175 WebCreateNewTopic
123 WikiUsers
111 WebIndex
106 WebStatistics
 73 WebChanges
 70 WebPreferences
 68 GuidoBrugnara
 67 WikiGroups
 61 WebTopicList
Jan 2023 2363 0 0 382 WebHome
274 WebSearch
147 WebCreateNewTopic
 71 WebStatistics
 68 WikiUsers
 63 GuidoBrugnara
 55 WebChanges
 54 WebTopicList
 53 WebIndex
 50 WikiGroups
 43 WebPreferences
Dec 2022 7089 0 0 3187 WebSearch
358 WikiUsers
302 WebCreateNewTopic
277 WebHome
125 WebStatistics
 88 WebIndex
 83 WebTopicList
 77 WebPreferences
 77 GuidoBrugnara
 75 WebChanges
 67 WikiGroups
Nov 2022 9217 0 0 5093 WebSearch
680 WebCreateNewTopic
237 WebHome
236 WikiUsers
192 WebStatistics
 78 GuidoBrugnara
 72 WebIndex
 63 UserListByDateJoined
 56 DenisBoyun
 54 PaoloRomero
 53 WebTopicList
Oct 2022 10504 0 0 5321 WebSearch
670 WebCreateNewTopic
402 WikiUsers
337 WebHome
160 WebStatistics
 99 WebTopicList
 83 WebChanges
 82 GuidoBrugnara
 81 UserListByLocation
 73 WikiGroups
 67 PersonalInfoHome
Sep 2022 8123 0 0 2909 WebSearch
1013 WebCreateNewTopic
337 WikiUsers
239 WebHome
219 WebStatistics
112 WebIndex
 92 WebTopicList
 89 DenisBoyun
 72 WebChanges
 70 AlbertoRossi
 69 UserListByDateJoined
Aug 2022 4664 0 0 1209 WebSearch
412 WebCreateNewTopic
307 WebHome
248 WikiUsers
161 WebStatistics
120 WebChanges
120 WebIndex
102 WikiGroups
 86 WebTopicList
 78 WebNotify
 68 GuidoBrugnara
Jul 2022 12267 0 0 5200 WebSearch
729 WebCreateNewTopic
561 WikiUsers
521 WebHome
301 SitePreferences
200 WebStatistics
148 PersonalInfo
143 WebTopicList
140 WebChanges
124 WebNotify
114 UnprocessedRegistrations
Jun 2022 8643 0 0 4434 WebSearch
531 WebCreateNewTopic
362 WikiUsers
237 WebHome
131 WebStatistics
129 WebIndex
124 WebTopicList
102 WikiGroups
 88 WebChanges
 87 WebNotify
 77 GuidoBrugnara
May 2022 7143 0 0 3748 WebSearch
413 WebCreateNewTopic
323 WikiUsers
260 WebHome
214 WebStatistics
129 WebTopicList
110 WikiGroups
 91 WebIndex
 90 WebNotify
 77 WebChanges
 66 GuidoBrugnara
Apr 2022 12352 0 0 6094 WebSearch
1024 WebCreateNewTopic
633 WebStatistics
560 WebHome
389 WikiUsers
173 WebTopicList
158 WebIndex
140 WebChanges
130 WikiGroups
129 GuidoBrugnara
109 WebNotify
Mar 2022 10342 0 0 2641 WebSearch
911 WebCreateNewTopic
735 WebStatistics
683 WebHome
387 WikiUsers
211 WebChanges
201 GuidoBrugnara
200 WebTopicList
199 WebIndex
173 WebNotify
170 WikiGroups
Feb 2022 4827 0 0 738 WebHome
490 WebStatistics
379 WebCreateNewTopic
257 WikiUsers
200 WebTopicList
193 WebSearch
173 WebChanges
168 WebIndex
137 WebNotify
111 GuidoBrugnara
108 WebPreferences
Jan 2022 5143 0 0 721 WebCreateNewTopic
654 WebHome
434 WebStatistics
228 WebChanges
215 WikiUsers
196 WebTopicList
187 WebIndex
181 WebSearch
137 WikiGroups
129 WebNotify
105 GuidoBrugnara
Dec 2021 7451 0 0 1015 WebSearch
718 WebStatistics
647 WebCreateNewTopic
621 WebHome
313 WikiUsers
248 WebTopicList
193 WebIndex
181 WebChanges
162 WebPreferences
157 GuidoBrugnara
152 WikiGroups
Nov 2021 10922 0 0 4554 WebSearch
675 WebStatistics
524 WebHome
501 WikiUsers
402 WebCreateNewTopic
299 SitePreferences
199 WebTopicList
190 WebChanges
183 PersonalInfo
171 WebIndex
162 GuidoBrugnara
Oct 2021 8791 0 0 3443 WebSearch
752 WebStatistics
642 WebHome
597 WebCreateNewTopic
371 WikiUsers
225 WebTopicList
203 WebChanges
183 WebIndex
171 WebNotify
126 GuidoBrugnara
121 WebPreferences
Sep 2021 7895 0 0 2188 WebSearch
795 WebStatistics
626 WebHome
432 WebCreateNewTopic
344 WikiUsers
233 WebTopicList
211 WebChanges
192 WebIndex
188 WebNotify
141 WikiGroups
129 GuidoBrugnara
Aug 2021 10254 0 0 4522 WebSearch
791 WebStatistics
642 WebHome
589 WebCreateNewTopic
434 WikiUsers
289 WebIndex
268 WebChanges
203 WebTopicList
177 WebNotify
159 GuidoBrugnara
139 WikiGroups
Jul 2021 13028 0 0 5851 WebSearch
923 WebStatistics
694 WebCreateNewTopic
660 WebHome
486 WikiUsers
399 WebChanges
370 WebTopicList
352 WebIndex
324 WebPreferences
293 WebNotify
263 WikiGroups
Jun 2021 8352 0 0 1009 WebTopicList
910 WebStatistics
668 WebCreateNewTopic
633 WebHome
536 WebSearch
306 WikiUsers
299 WebChanges
292 WebIndex
241 WebNotify
208 GuidoBrugnara
199 WikiGroups
May 2021 12058 0 0 3735 WebSearch
1568 WebStatistics
866 WebTopicList
714 WebCreateNewTopic
619 WebHome
607 WebChanges
481 WikiUsers
361 WebIndex
270 WebNotify
233 WebPreferences
214 GuidoBrugnara
Apr 2021 14713 0 0 5665 WebSearch
2345 WebStatistics
1080 WebTopicList
1049 WebChanges
557 WebHome
417 WikiUsers
409 WebCreateNewTopic
363 WebIndex
268 WikiGroups
215 WebNotify
213 GuidoBrugnara
Mar 2021 14403 0 0 2806 WebSearch
2285 WebTopicList
1578 WebStatistics
731 WikiGroups
670 WebCreateNewTopic
572 WebHome
478 WebChanges
449 WikiUsers
236 WebNotify
227 GuidoBrugnara
225 WebPreferences
Feb 2021 10388 0 0 3575 WebSearch
998 WebStatistics
703 WikiUsers
611 WebTopicList
551 WebHome
444 WebCreateNewTopic
294 WebNotify
271 WikiGroups
184 WebChanges
178 WebIndex
171 GuidoBrugnara
Jan 2021 10178 0 0 2066 WebSearch
1540 WebStatistics
877 WebTopicList
659 WebHome
525 WebCreateNewTopic
465 WikiGroups
392 WikiUsers
232 WebNotify
206 GuidoBrugnara
190 WebChanges
182 WebPreferences
Dec 2020 8690 0 0 1388 WebStatistics
1352 WebSearch
693 WebHome
685 WebTopicList
397 WikiGroups
364 WebCreateNewTopic
296 WikiUsers
192 GuidoBrugnara
187 WebNotify
181 WebChanges
174 WebPreferences
Nov 2020 8192 0 0 2172 WebSearch
876 WebStatistics
752 WebHome
491 WebCreateNewTopic
314 WikiUsers
280 GuidoBrugnara
161 WebPreferences
159 WebTopicList
152 WebNotify
147 WebChanges
146 WebIndex
Oct 2020 10232 0 0 4873 WebSearch
765 WebStatistics
675 WebCreateNewTopic
647 WebHome
333 WikiUsers
166 GuidoBrugnara
148 WebNotify
144 WebChanges
135 WebIndex
131 WebTopicList
129 WebPreferences
Sep 2020 13370 0 0 3886 WebSearch
1178 WebCreateNewTopic
873 WebHome
716 WebStatistics
558 WikiUsers
275 WebChanges
244 GuidoBrugnara
202 WebNotify
193 WebIndex
190 WebPreferences
184 WikiGroups
Aug 2020 10765 0 0 3871 WebSearch
933 WebCreateNewTopic
910 WebStatistics
828 WebHome
370 WikiUsers
206 WebChanges
187 GuidoBrugnara
160 WikiGroups
156 WebNotify
142 WebTopicList
141 WebPreferences
Jul 2020 11139 0 0 3313 WebSearch
882 WebHome
806 WebStatistics
723 WebCreateNewTopic
395 WikiUsers
349 WebChanges
225 GuidoBrugnara
206 WikiGroups
185 WebNotify
183 WebIndex
175 WebTopicList
Jun 2020 9018 0 0 2113 WebSearch
781 WebStatistics
635 WebCreateNewTopic
585 WebHome
406 WikiUsers
269 WebChanges
197 GuidoBrugnara
167 WebPreferences
166 WebTopicList
155 WebNotify
155 WikiGroups
May 2020 9594 0 0 4624 WebSearch
709 WebStatistics
571 WebHome
394 WebCreateNewTopic
277 WikiUsers
210 WebChanges
199 GuidoBrugnara
157 WebPreferences
154 WebTopicList
154 WebNotify
136 WikiGroups
Apr 2020 9828 0 0 6371 WebSearch
590 WebStatistics
567 WebHome
225 WikiUsers
174 WebCreateNewTopic
155 WebChanges
148 GuidoBrugnara
130 WebNotify
127 WebTopicList
125 WebPreferences
120 WebIndex
Mar 2020 11053 0 0 5017 WebSearch
682 WebStatistics
600 WebCreateNewTopic
577 WebHome
352 WikiUsers
215 GuidoBrugnara
192 WebChanges
185 WebPreferences
161 WebNotify
148 WebTopicList
134 WebIndex
Feb 2020 9317 0 0 4480 WebSearch
717 WebStatistics
558 WebHome
478 WebCreateNewTopic
283 WikiUsers
189 GuidoBrugnara
145 WebPreferences
143 WebChanges
138 WebNotify
128 WebIndex
122 WebTopicList
Jan 2020 7953 0 0 2963 WebSearch
699 WebStatistics
538 WebHome
395 WebCreateNewTopic
341 WikiUsers
207 GuidoBrugnara
156 WebPreferences
149 WebTopicList
148 WebNotify
144 WebChanges
140 WebIndex
Dec 2019 12889 0 0 7770 WebSearch
577 WebStatistics
540 WebHome
519 WikiUsers
346 WebCreateNewTopic
191 GuidoBrugnara
137 WebTopicList
134 WebPreferences
126 WebChanges
119 WebIndex
118 WebNotify
Nov 2019 6838 0 0 2070 WebSearch
537 WebStatistics
491 WebHome
272 WikiUsers
234 WebCreateNewTopic
192 WebTopicList
188 GuidoBrugnara
165 WebPreferences
140 WebNotify
127 WebChanges
113 WikiGroups
Oct 2019 6049 0 0 3689 WebSearch
262 WebCreateNewTopic
170 WikiUsers
168 WebTopicList
140 WebHome
 96 GuidoBrugnara
 84 WebStatistics
 74 WikiGroups
 68 WebPreferences
 65 WebChanges
 65 WebIndex
Sep 2019 4439 0 0 2225 WebSearch
192 WikiUsers
176 WebTopicList
135 WebHome
134 GuidoBrugnara
120 WebStatistics
109 WebCreateNewTopic
 84 WebNotify
 80 WebChanges
 73 WikiGroups
 72 WebPreferences
Aug 2019 9283 0 0 3855 WebSearch
969 WebStatistics
492 WebCreateNewTopic
277 WebTopicList
248 WikiUsers
201 SitePreferences
187 WebHome
166 TommasoRossi
114 GuidoBrugnara
113 PersonalInfo
 79 WebNotify
Jul 2019 13613 0 0 5289 WebSearch
750 WebStatistics
637 WebCreateNewTopic
610 WikiUsers
599 SitePreferences
286 WebTopicList
269 TommasoRossi
219 WebHome
215 PersonalInfo
195 GuidoBrugnara
179 UnprocessedRegistrationsLog
Jun 2019 17777 0 0 11166 WebSearch
1146 WebCreateNewTopic
518 WikiUsers
258 WebStatistics
250 WebTopicList
246 WebHome
123 GuidoBrugnara
 87 GianlucaMario
 86 MatteoPagani
 79 WebChanges
 76 PaoloRomero
May 2019 4831 0 0 1084 WebSearch
501 WebCreateNewTopic
277 WikiUsers
262 WebTopicList
242 WebHome
131 WebStatistics
124 GuidoBrugnara
 94 WebChanges
 61 DenisBoyun
 56 WebNotify
 44 SitePreferences
Apr 2019 9218 0 0 5176 WebSearch
745 WebCreateNewTopic
315 WikiUsers
188 WebHome
124 WebStatistics
 99 GuidoBrugnara
 80 WebTopicList
 55 PaoloRomero
 53 GianlucaMario
 52 PersonalInfo
 52 WebIndex
Mar 2019 6735 0 0 3421 WebSearch
382 WebCreateNewTopic
280 WikiUsers
224 WebHome
115 WebStatistics
113 GuidoBrugnara
 79 WebChanges
 57 WebTopicList
 56 WebIndex
 49 PaoloRomero
 46 WebNotify
Feb 2019 57749 0 0 6661 WebSearch
3177 WebStatistics
1434 GuidoBrugnara
1406 SitePreferences
1350 WikiUsers
1292 IreneBrugnara
1248 WebHome
1207 JanezStangelj
1165 WebPreferences
1160 WebChanges
1156 WebNotify
Jan 2019 5660 0 0 1977 WebSearch
551 WebCreateNewTopic
290 WikiUsers
208 WebHome
 94 WebStatistics
 77 GuidoBrugnara
 53 DenisBoyun
 51 WikiGroups
 50 AndreaTallaros
 49 PaoloRomero
 49 AdminUser
Dec 2018 7360 0 0 2810 WebSearch
713 WebCreateNewTopic
340 WikiUsers
205 WebHome
196 WebStatistics
129 GuidoBrugnara
 76 WebPreferences
 71 AndreaTallaros
 68 WebChanges
 68 WebNotify
 64 WebTopicList
Nov 2018 9169 0 0 2962 WebSearch
967 WebCreateNewTopic
566 WikiUsers
228 WebHome
224 WebStatistics
124 GuidoBrugnara
 87 AndreaTallaros
 86 PaoloRomero
 81 GuestUser2
 81 DenisBoyun
 78 IsabellaFaggioniSella
Oct 2018 7023 0 0 2800 WebSearch
724 WebHome
532 WebCreateNewTopic
326 WikiUsers
222 WebStatistics
 88 GuidoBrugnara
 59 GianlucaMario
 55 AndreaTallaros
 53 EduardoAnuel
 52 WebNotify
 51 NewUserTemplate
Sep 2018 10674 0 0 3556 WebSearch
1326 WebCreateNewTopic
614 WikiUsers
386 WebHome
290 WebStatistics
196 GuidoBrugnara
127 GuestUser1
111 IsabellaFaggioniSella
110 GuestUser2
103 WebPreferences
 99 WebChanges
Aug 2018 7755 1 0 3648 WebSearch
633 WebCreateNewTopic
418 WikiUsers
219 WebHome
186 WebStatistics
 94 AndreaTallaros
 81 JohnnySmith
 76 GuestUser2
 74 GuidoBrugnara
 69 NewUserTemplate
 68 IreneBrugnara
  1 EnricaBrugnara
Jul 2018 4077 0 0 1040 WebSearch
452 WebCreateNewTopic
313 WebStatistics
263 WikiUsers
178 WebHome
105 WebLeftBarExample
 89 GuidoBrugnara
 79 ValeriyIermolenko
 52 WebTopicList
 42 IsabellaFaggioniSella
 42 DmitryRatkov
Jun 2018 5273 0 0 2661 WebSearch
445 WebCreateNewTopic
250 WikiUsers
153 WebHome
 97 WebStatistics
 80 GuidoBrugnara
 43 WebChanges
 41 IsabellaFaggioniSella
 38 WebPreferences
 38 PaoloRomero
 34 AngeloSanfilippo
May 2018 3493 1 0 990 WebSearch
347 WebCreateNewTopic
295 WebStatistics
246 WikiUsers
174 WebHome
 65 GuidoBrugnara
 31 WebChanges
 31 EnricaBrugnara
 30 WikiGroups
 30 FreeLance1
 28 WebPreferences
  1 GuidoBrugnara
Apr 2018 6558 0 0 2617 WebSearch
523 WebCreateNewTopic
356 WikiUsers
222 WebStatistics
209 WebHome
121 GuidoBrugnara
 77 WebNotify
 74 WebChanges
 69 WebPreferences
 54 WebTopicList
 52 PersonalInfo
Mar 2018 6713 0 0 3562 WebSearch
565 WebCreateNewTopic
391 WikiUsers
234 WebHome
 84 WebStatistics
 82 GuidoBrugnara
 62 WebChanges
 48 WebPreferences
 42 WebNotify
 41 WebIndex
 40 WikiGroups
Feb 2018 2889 0 0 288 WebCreateNewTopic
285 GuidoBrugnara
196 WebHome
188 WebStatistics
153 WebSearch
 92 WikiUsers
 72 WebChanges
 68 WebNotify
 60 WebPreferences
 58 WikiGroups
 53 WebIndex
Jan 2018 7606 0 0 3164 WebStatistics
874 WebSearch
387 WikiUsers
380 WebCreateNewTopic
240 WebHome
116 GuidoBrugnara
102 UnprocessedRegistrationsLog
 82 SitePreferences
 66 WebPreferences
 64 MasonSQLGroup
 61 WebNotify
Dec 2017 8997 0 0 3355 WebStatistics
1692 WebSearch
424 WikiUsers
333 WebCreateNewTopic
274 WebHome
124 UnprocessedRegistrationsLog
124 GuidoBrugnara
 82 SitePreferences
 81 WebPreferences
 80 WebNotify
 70 IsabellaFaggioniSella
Nov 2017 6163 0 0 2454 WebSearch
829 WebStatistics
397 WebCreateNewTopic
365 WikiUsers
196 WebHome
117 GuidoBrugnara
 49 WebNotify
 48 WebPreferences
 46 WebChanges
 44 UnprocessedRegistrationsLog
 42 IsabellaFaggioniSella
Oct 2017 1987 0 0 319 WebStatistics
240 WebHome
190 WebCreateNewTopic
 85 WikiUsers
 80 WebSearch
 46 GuidoBrugnara
 35 WebChanges
 32 WebTopicList
 30 WebNotify
 29 IreneBrugnara
 28 WebIndex
Sep 2017 3482 0 0 979 WebSearch
331 WebCreateNewTopic
209 WebHome
168 WikiUsers
139 WebStatistics
 95 GuidoBrugnara
 64 WebChanges
 44 WebNotify
 44 WikiGroups
 42 WebPreferences
 39 SitePreferences
Aug 2017 3618 0 0 1821 WebSearch
221 WebHome
205 WebCreateNewTopic
129 WikiUsers
 77 WebStatistics
 63 GuidoBrugnara
 39 WebChanges
 38 WebIndex
 35 WikiGroups
 33 WebNotify
 32 IsabellaFaggioniSella
Jul 2017 2046 3 0 308 WebStatistics
226 WebHome
139 WikiUsers
124 WebCreateNewTopic
 58 GuidoBrugnara
 56 WebSearch
 44 SitePreferences
 35 WebIndex
 34 WebNotify
 34 WikiGroups
 31 UnprocessedRegistrationsLog
  3 GianlucaMario
Jun 2017 7486 0 0 1956 WebSearch
784 WebStatistics
710 WebCreateNewTopic
448 WikiUsers
245 WebHome
170 GuidoBrugnara
160 WebChanges
133 IsabellaFaggioniSella
132 ProjectContributor
117 UserList
117 WebPreferences
May 2017 6689 0 0 1759 WebSearch
871 WebStatistics
431 WebCreateNewTopic
374 WebHome
341 WikiUsers
186 GuidoBrugnara
169 IsabellaFaggioniSella
155 WebChanges
155 WebNotify
147 WebPreferences
129 UserList
Apr 2017 3020 5 0 345 WebStatistics
269 WebHome
222 WebCreateNewTopic
203 WikiUsers
 95 WebSearch
 80 GuidoBrugnara
 49 WikiGroups
 47 JohnnySmith
 46 IsabellaFaggioniSella
 44 WebChanges
 44 WebNotify
  4 GuidoBrugnara
  1 RegistrationAgent
Mar 2017 5804 8 0 1720 WebSearch
1172 WebStatistics
353 WebHome
269 WebCreateNewTopic
210 WikiUsers
 82 WebChanges
 78 GuidoBrugnara
 65 WebPreferences
 61 WebTopicList
 59 SitePreferences
 59 WebIndex
  6 GuidoBrugnara
  2 RegistrationAgent
Feb 2017 4380 7 0 940 WebStatistics
685 WebSearch
301 WebCreateNewTopic
269 WebHome
175 WikiUsers
119 GuidoBrugnara
108 WebChanges
 83 WebIndex
 78 SitePreferences
 63 WebPreferences
 53 WebNotify
  5 GuidoBrugnara
  2 RegistrationAgent
Jan 2017 3089 0 0 566 WebStatistics
367 WebHome
222 WikiUsers
194 WebCreateNewTopic
 97 GuidoBrugnara
 64 WebChanges
 60 WebSearch
 54 SitePreferences
 51 WebPreferences
 50 WebNotify
 49 IsabellaFaggioniSella
Dec 2016 1846 1 0 230 WebHome
175 WebCreateNewTopic
174 WebStatistics
103 WikiUsers
 69 GuidoBrugnara
 46 WebChanges
 45 WebSearch
 34 PersonalInfo
 34 IsabellaFaggioniSella
 32 SitePreferences
 32 WebNotify
  1 GuidoBrugnara
Nov 2016 2160 7 0 238 WebHome
189 WikiUsers
164 WebCreateNewTopic
143 WebStatistics
 70 GuidoBrugnara
 58 SitePreferences
 44 WebIndex
 41 WebPreferences
 40 PersonalInfo
 40 WebSearch
 40 WikiGroups
  6 GuidoBrugnara
  1 RegistrationAgent
Oct 2016 2288 4 0 344 WebCreateNewTopic
302 WebStatistics
266 WebHome
103 WikiUsers
 79 GuidoBrugnara
 59 WebChanges
 57 WebSearch
 55 PersonalInfo
 52 WebPreferences
 40 IsabellaFaggioniSella
 39 WikiGroups
  3 GuidoBrugnara
  1 RegistrationAgent
Sep 2016 1997 3 0 230 WebStatistics
211 WebHome
128 WebCreateNewTopic
114 WikiUsers
 76 GuidoBrugnara
 52 WebSearch
 44 WebPreferences
 40 SitePreferences
 40 WikiGroups
 39 WebChanges
 31 WebNotify
  2 GuidoBrugnara
  1 RegistrationAgent
Aug 2016 1423 0 0 241 WebHome
123 WebCreateNewTopic
104 WebStatistics
 85 WikiUsers
 42 GuidoBrugnara
 35 WebPreferences
 32 WebChanges
 31 WebIndex
 30 WebSearch
 28 WebNotify
 25 WebTopicList
Jul 2016 2379 12 0 266 WebHome
203 WebStatistics
153 WikiUsers
143 WebCreateNewTopic
 90 GuidoBrugnara
 62 WebChanges
 54 WebPreferences
 53 WebSearch
 52 PaoloRomero
 46 WebNotify
 45 SitePreferences
  8 GuidoBrugnara
  2 DmitryRatkov
  2 RegistrationAgent
Jun 2016 1640 4 0 298 WebHome
165 WebCreateNewTopic
 77 WebStatistics
 70 WikiUsers
 69 WebChanges
 50 WebSearch
 43 PaoloRomero
 36 WebIndex
 31 WikiGroups
 29 WebPreferences
 27 WebNotify
  3 GuidoBrugnara
  1 RegistrationAgent
May 2016 1809 12 0 230 WebHome
140 WebStatistics
133 WikiUsers
129 WebCreateNewTopic
 53 WebChanges
 47 GuidoBrugnara
 46 SitePreferences
 37 WebPreferences
 36 WebSearch
 35 WebNotify
 35 WikiGroups
  9 GuidoBrugnara
  3 RegistrationAgent
Mar 2016 3468 0 0 1392 WebStatistics
284 WebHome
158 WebCreateNewTopic
142 WikiUsers
 95 SitePreferences
 93 GuidoBrugnara
 85 WebChanges
 71 WebNotify
 65 WebSearch
 61 WebPreferences
 58 IsabellaFaggioniSella
Feb 2016 2210 14 0 502 WebStatistics
247 WebCreateNewTopic
160 WebHome
 71 WikiUsers
 56 WikiGroups
 55 GuidoBrugnara
 46 WebChanges
 42 WebTopicList
 40 WebNotify
 39 WebPreferences
 37 WebSearch
 10 GuidoBrugnara
  4 RegistrationAgent
Dec 2015 2157 0 0 242 WebHome
190 WebStatistics
146 WebCreateNewTopic
106 WikiUsers
102 SitePreferences
 96 GuidoBrugnara
 84 WebChanges
 64 WebSearch
 62 WebPreferences
 58 WebNotify
 41 WebIndex
Nov 2015 1579 0 0 188 WebHome
153 WebStatistics
 99 WebCreateNewTopic
 92 WikiUsers
 60 IsabellaFaggioniSella
 59 SitePreferences
 55 GuidoBrugnara
 43 WebChanges
 34 WebPreferences
 33 WebIndex
 30 WebNotify
Oct 2015 1163 0 0 339 WebStatistics
221 WebHome
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Sep 2015 3324 0 0 1091 WebSearch
536 WebStatistics
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Aug 2015 3790 0 0 658 WebSearch
299 WebCreateNewTopic
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Jul 2015 2087 0 0 804 WebStatistics
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Jun 2015 1620 1 0 345 WebStatistics
225 WebHome
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May 2015 1291 0 0 106 WebHome
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Apr 2015 752 0 0 128 WebHome
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Mar 2015 1288 0 0 153 WebCreateNewTopic
144 WebHome
102 IsabellaFaggioniSella
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Feb 2015 1379 0 0 203 WebHome
151 WebCreateNewTopic
150 WebStatistics
107 WikiUsers
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Jan 2015 1753 0 0 316 WebCreateNewTopic
291 WebSearch
281 WikiGroups
208 WebHome
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Dec 2014 2938 0 0 1587 WebSearch
207 WebCreateNewTopic
171 WebHome
135 WikiUsers
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Nov 2014 2920 0 0 1554 WebSearch
254 WebHome
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Oct 2014 1341 0 0 601 WebHome
119 WebCreateNewTopic
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Aug 2014 951 0 0 186 WebHome
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Jul 2014 1072 0 0 154 WebHome
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Jun 2014 1196 0 0  99 WebStatistics
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May 2014 1206 0 0 189 WebStatistics
113 WebHome
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Apr 2014 1382 0 0 174 WebStatistics
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Mar 2014 994 0 0 110 WebHome
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Feb 2014 3253 0 0 1382 PersonalInfo
617 WebSearch
163 WebCreateNewTopic
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Jan 2014 1053 0 0 154 WebCreateNewTopic
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Dec 2013 832 0 0 104 WebStatistics
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Oct 2013 1531 2 0 166 WebStatistics
139 WebCreateNewTopic
130 WikiUsers
104 WebHome
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Sep 2013 1182 0 0 115 WebHome
101 WebCreateNewTopic
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Jul 2013 2035 0 0 417 WebSearch
261 PersonalInfo
153 WebCreateNewTopic
130 WebStatistics
124 WikiUsers
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Jun 2013 850 0 0 104 WebHome
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May 2013 1587 3 0 223 WebHome
102 WebCreateNewTopic
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Apr 2013 903 2 0 112 WebHome
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Mar 2013 1566 2 0 134 WebCreateNewTopic
101 WebHome
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Feb 2013 998 1 0  75 WebHome
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  1 GuidoBrugnara
Jan 2013 1090 2 0  95 WebHome
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Dec 2012 890 4 0 155 WebHome
 45 GuidoBrugnara
 43 IsabellaFaggioniSella
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 32 EnricaBrugnara
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Nov 2012 1951 5 0 703 WebSearch
112 WebHome
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 35 IsabellaFaggioniSella
 32 EnricaBrugnara
 30 WebChanges
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  1 WikiGuest
  1 RegistrationAgent
Oct 2012 1090 6 0 496 WebSearch
 75 WebHome
 54 WebCreateNewTopic
 29 GuidoBrugnara
 29 EnricaBrugnara
 19 WikiGroups
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 18 IsabellaFaggioniSella
 17 WebStatistics
 17 PersonalInfoFaceBook
 16 AdminUser
  2 WikiGuest
  2 RegistrationAgent
  1 AlbertoRossi
  1 EnricaBrugnara
Sep 2012 448 0 0  88 WebHome
 35 WikiUsers
 34 GuidoBrugnara
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 16 WebSearch
 10 IsabellaFaggioniSella
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 10 PersonalInfo
Jul 2012 552 0 0 100 WebHome
 60 WebCreateNewTopic
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 34 WikiUsers
 22 ProjectContributor
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Jun 2012 465 0 0  85 WebHome
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 16 WebCreateNewTopic
 15 IsabellaFaggioniSella
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May 2012 741 0 0 295 WebSearch
136 WebHome
 24 GuidoBrugnara
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 19 IsabellaFaggioniSella
 19 ProjectContributor
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Apr 2012 746 0 0  53 WebCreateNewTopic
 51 WebHome
 25 IsabellaFaggioniSella
 25 WebSearch
 25 GuidoBrugnara
 25 PersonalInfo
 23 AdminUser
 23 WebStatistics
 20 WebPreferences
 20 EnricaBrugnara
 19 ProjectContributor
Mar 2012 904 63 0  87 WebHome
 50 GuidoBrugnara
 45 WikiUsers
 35 WebStatistics
 27 WebPreferences
 27 PersonalInfo
 26 AdminUser
 23 IsabellaFaggioniSella
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 22 PersonalInfoHome
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 30 WikiGuest
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  3 GuidoBrugnara
Feb 2012 546 0 0  76 WebHome
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 34 GuidoBrugnara
 23 ProjectContributor
 22 WebChanges
 20 WikiGuest
 19 WebSearch
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 14 AdminUser
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Jan 2012 397 0 0  51 WebHome
 24 GuidoBrugnara
 21 IsabellaFaggioniSella
 19 WebCreateNewTopic
 16 WikiGuest
 15 WebPreferences
 15 ProjectContributor
 14 AdminUser
 11 WikiUsers
 11 PersonalInfo
 10 PersonalInfoHome
Dec 2011 728 0 0 201 WebCreateNewTopic
117 WebHome
 43 GuidoBrugnara
 18 WebPreferences
 17 WebSearch
 17 WikiGuest
 17 ProjectContributor
 15 IsabellaFaggioniSella
 15 WikiUsers
 14 AdminUser
 13 PersonalInfoHome
Nov 2011 1390 21 0 139 WebHome
 54 WikiUsers
 46 WebSearch
 44 WebCreateNewTopic
 42 GuidoBrugnara
 29 IsabellaFaggioniSella
 27 WebChanges
 22 WikiGuest
 20 WebPreferences
 17 WebTopicList
 17 WebStatistics
 11 GuidoBrugnara
  5 WikiGuest
  4 RegistrationAgent
  1 EnricaBrugnara
Oct 2011 684 0 0  85 WebHome
 64 GuidoBrugnara
 29 WikiGuest
 29 WikiUsers
 28 SitePreferences
 26 ProjectContributor
 21 IsabellaFaggioniSella
 19 WebCreateNewTopic
 17 AdminGroup
 17 WebChanges
 16 AdminUser
Sep 2011 1609 5 0 407 WebCreateNewTopic
300 WebSearch
110 WebHome
 50 GuidoBrugnara
 37 WikiUsers
 30 IsabellaFaggioniSella
 27 WebChanges
 25 PersonalInfo
 24 NewUserTemplate
 24 WebStatistics
 24 WikiGroups
  2 WikiGuest
  2 RegistrationAgent
  1 GuidoBrugnara
Aug 2011 1957 23 0 608 WebCreateNewTopic
185 WebSearch
138 WebHome
 89 GuidoBrugnara
 52 WikiUsers
 46 VeronicaGomez
 39 PersonalInfo
 38 PersonalInfoHome
 37 IsabellaFaggioniSella
 35 ProjectContributor
 34 EnricaBrugnara
 17 GuidoBrugnara
  3 WikiGuest
  3 RegistrationAgent
Sep 2010 1042 0 0 152 WebHome
 39 WebCreateNewTopic
 30 GuidoBrugnara
 24 WebChanges
 16 WebSearch
 16 WikiGuest
 14 WebStatistics
 12 WebIndex
 12 WebPreferences
 12 EnricaBrugnara
 11 WebTopicList
Jan 2016 2013 17 1 264 ProjectContributor
213 WebCreateNewTopic
187 WebHome
129 WebStatistics
 82 SitePreferences
 77 WikiUsers
 68 GuidoBrugnara
 67 WebChanges
 49 WebPreferences
 45 IsabellaFaggioniSella
 42 WikiGroups
  9 GuidoBrugnara
  4 RegistrationAgent
  3 JanezStangelj
  2 WikiGuest
Sep 2014 1308 5 1 284 WebHome
145 WebCreateNewTopic
 78 IsabellaFaggioniSella
 57 GuidoBrugnara
 54 WikiGroups
 46 WikiUsers
 37 WebSearch
 33 WebIndex
 29 WebChanges
 26 WebStatistics
 24 WebNotify
  5 GuidoBrugnara
  1 IsabellaFaggioniSella
Aug 2013 3109 6 1 1385 PersonalInfo
620 WebSearch
137 WebHome
115 WebCreateNewTopic
 64 WikiUsers
 57 WebIndex
 51 WebStatistics
 51 SitePreferences
 50 GuidoBrugnara
 42 WebNotify
 39 WebChanges
  4 MatteoPagani
  1 GuidoBrugnara
  1 WikiGuest
  1 RegistrationAgent
Apr 2016 2871 3 2 422 WebStatistics
300 WebHome
190 WebCreateNewTopic
171 WikiUsers
132 WebChanges
109 GuidoBrugnara
 98 WebSearch
 77 WebPreferences
 77 WebNotify
 74 WebIndex
 74 WikiGroups
  5 JanezStangelj
Nov 2013 826 1 2 133 WebStatistics
 90 WebHome
 55 WikiUsers
 50 WebChanges
 46 WebCreateNewTopic
 41 GuidoBrugnara
 34 WebNotify
 32 WebTopicList
 30 WebIndex
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 28 SitePreferences
  3 GuidoBrugnara
Aug 2012 1295 24 3 422 WebSearch
152 WebCreateNewTopic
 93 WebHome
 76 GuidoBrugnara
 49 WikiUsers
 29 EnricaBrugnara
 23 PersonalInfo
 22 PersonalInfoFaceBook
 21 IsabellaFaggioniSella
 19 PersonalInfoModules
 17 PersonalInfoHome
 23 GuidoBrugnara
  3 WikiGuest
  1 RegistrationAgent
Aug 2010 2103 67 5 371 WebHome
268 WebCreateNewTopic
155 WebStatistics
 76 GuidoBrugnara
 70 IsabellaFaggioniSella
 70 SitePreferences
 62 WebSearch
 54 WikiUsers
 41 WebPreferences
 26 WikiGroups
 25 WebTopicList
 53 GuidoBrugnara
  7 IsabellaFaggioniSella
  6 RegistrationAgent
  4 AdminUser
  2 PincoPallino

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