Recoding & optimizations 2018

ATTENTION: These changes (from svn version 534) are not compatible with older versions!

Update Dojo Toolkit

Update code to the most recent Dojo Toolkit release 1.13.0 .

Update font-awesome

Update font-awesome to version 4.7.0 with local installation. ( In this manner is resolved a security browser limitation. )

New .mql file extension

Old file with .sql extension are renamed with .mql extension.

To upgrade old installation you can use this shell code to rename files:

find /opt/APPLICATION_DIR/htdocs/data -type f -name '*.sql' \
    | (while read F; do mv "$F" "${F%%.sql}.mql"; done)

With caution you can use this shell code to replace .sql with .mql:

sed -i~ 's/\.sql/\.mql/' /opt/APPLICATION_DIR/htdocs/data/* /opt/APPLICATION_DIR/htdocs/data/*/* 

default schema dir

The old version mapped the public schema tables from the .../data/ directory to the schema public .
Instead the new versione use .../data/public dir.
Consequently the names of the ODT type reports without the schema in the name will have to be renamed by adding the 'public' schema in the front (eg. from 'gruppi' to 'public.gruppi').

Deprecated "F" parameter on HTTP call, substituted with "method" param.

In the first version to call the metods declared in lib/dbms_library was used F parameter. In new version the parameter is replaced with ==param==
To upgrade old applications you must check if F parameter was used in the user code!

Deprecated "name_prefix" in widgets parameters

To manage differentes recordset some year ago was implemented the parameter name_prefix (default name was Default), used to define alternatives methods like:
  • Default_FIELDS

A best method is to use derived component inherited fron the original, eg.
  File /opt/masonsql/htdocs/data/public/sel_autorizzazioni.mql
  inherit => 'autorizzazioni.mql'
<%method FIELDS>nome</%method>
<%method SELECT_FIELDS>nome</%method>
<%method FIELDS_DESCR>Nome</%method>to fill in the selection lists

To upgrade old applications you must find all "name_prefix" (with related methods like Default_FIELDS_SELECT, ...) to be replaced with a derived .mql component, using inherit.
Check in the user code the use of deprecated @fields_list array, father_name_prefix & Name_prefix javascript parametes and parameter_set_default function.

Deprecated suffix TABLENAME

The ${field}_TABLENAME method is replaced with ${field}_FROM .

The parameters select_tablename & tablename used in the widgets select.comp, htmlselect.comp, divselect.comp and GenericSelect_FIELD method are replaced with select_from & from .

The FieldFilter_tablename function name is replaced with FieldFilter_from .

With caution you can use this shell code to replace tablename with from:

sed -i~ 's/tablename/from/' /opt/APPLICATION_DIR/htdocs/data/* /opt/APPLICATION_DIR/htdocs/data/*/* 
sed -i~ 's/TABLENAME/FROM/' /opt/APPLICATION_DIR/htdocs/data/* /opt/APPLICATION_DIR/htdocs/data/*/* 

Deprecated "FIELDS_SELECT" & "INPUT_SELECT" method

Using inherited component is not necessary to use different method (FIELDS_SELECT and/or INPUT_SELECT) to create the recordset to fill in the selection list.
To upgrade old applications you must replace .mql component (with FIELDS_SELECT method) with the derived component with different method SELECT_FIELDS like deprecated FIELDS_SELECT and SELECT like deprecated INPUT_SELECT.

The widgets (select.comp, htmlselect.comp & divselect.comp) now can use the same recordset; the ambiguities of the old versions have been eliminated!

Questa pagina: MasonSQL > WebHome > RecodingOptimizations
Versione pagina: 22 Apr 2018, GuidoBrugnara
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