Creating a new producer

After creating a GAS administrator and members, as well as assigning roles to them, we then proceed to adding producers. Here are the steps to creating them.

1. First. go to GAS --> Produttori.

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Accessing the Produttori menu

2. Then click Nuovo or Modifica, then enter the necessary fields as follows.

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Saving the newly-created producer

Special attention must be taken to assigning the Referente in this screen. As stated in the last section, there is only one representative for each producer (Gas_ref_prod); in this example, user Domenico Manna will be the sole representative for Terra Frutta srl. Again, the producer representative (Referenti del produttore) maintains contacts, compiles the list, and manages orders for a particular producer.

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Assigning the producer's representative (Referenti del produttore)

On the lower part of the screen, click on the Referenti tab, and assign the zone representatives (Referenti delle zone) of the newly-created producer on the table. Click Modifica or Nuovo, and add them as necessary. Click Salva.

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Assigning the zone representatives (Referenti delle zone)

With this table, you enable the zones in which you can sell the products of the producer (Terra Frutta srl) because there are zone representatives available to distribute the goods in that particular zone. In this example, users Domenico Manna and Alessandra Zaza are the representatives for Terra Frutta srl in the Bosentino Nord and Bosentino Sud zones, respectively; thus, allowing Terra Frutta srl to sell to the aforementioned regions.

3. Then, it is time to add the products. Click on Nuovi or Modifica on the bottom screen then add the necessary products. Populate fields such as Descrizione del prodotto, Prezzo unitario, Unità Misura, Peso unitario, and Categoria; these are mandatory fields. Click Salva when you're ready.

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Adding products

You may then proceed to ordering from your recently-created producer, or proceed to add more producers (if any). Instructions for placing orders will be found on the next section.

Topic revision: r10 - 11 Jul 2016, GuidoBrugnara
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