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Welcome to Leader.IT's web portal!

Use the menu on the left to visit the corporate pages or select the Web listed below to access our services.

Leader.IT's mission is to make a Network involving ICT professionals (self-employed or otherwise) available to collaborate on shared software development projects. The main focus is around Open Source technologies bringing a common factor which has allowed the creation of software development projects.
This portal itself is a joint project!

Contributions to projects are integrated into the main source code if the authors grant their source code under one of the following Open Source licenses:
  1. "Perl Artistic License" (
  2. "X11 License" (
  3. "BSD-3-Clause License" (

Without the granting of one of the above mentioned licenses the contribution will not be integrated in the main branch.

This allows the main author to distribute the derivative work under a dual license (Commercial and Affero GPL rel.1.).

Web services


Blog Leader.IT & Friends ... - devoted to discussions on ICT


Welcome to Leader.IT... Users, Groups ...see who is registered on this site


Framework RAD - Mason based web application framework


Dismissed projects


Gruppi di Acquisto Solidali - gestione di più gruppi GAS


Leader.IT Network - news, technologies, projects, partnerships, ...


System management of asynchronous messages, based on PostgreSQL (LISTEN/NOTIFY).


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days News

Topic revision: r58 - 10 Sep 2020, GuidoBrugnara
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