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Welcome to Leader.IT's web portal!Use the menu on the left to visit the corporate pages or select the Web listed below to access our services.Leader.IT's mission is to make a Network involving ICT professionals (self-employed or otherwise) available to collaborate on shared software development projects. The main focus is around Open Source technologies bringing a common factor which has allowed the creation of software development projects. This portal itself is a joint project! Contributions to projects are integrated into the main source code if the authors grant their source code under one of the following Open Source licenses:
Web servicesBlogBlog Leader.IT & Friends ... - devoted to discussions on ICTMasonSQLFramework RAD - Mason based web application frameworkOldProjectsDismissed projectsOldProjects.InterGASGruppi di Acquisto Solidali - gestione di più gruppi GASPortalLeader.IT Network - news, technologies, projects, partnerships, ...PsqlMessagesSystem management of asynchronous messages, based on PostgreSQL (LISTEN/NOTIFY).SystemDiscover the details, and how to start your own site with Foswiki - The Free and Open Source Wiki. |