
The autohandlers offer improved inherit mechanism. That means they might just as well be used as normal libraries. If we want to write a generalized method that we could use in multiple .mql files it can be put in the appropriate autohandler file. One such example is the data/global_autohandler which is inherited in the data/autohandler file.

Autohandler files:


GenericSelect_FIELD Method

The drop-down lists in the MasonSQL framework are implemented with select, htmlselect or divselect widgets, their implementation files are in the /opt/masonsql/htdocs/input/ directory.
All three widgets are wrapped around with GenericSelect_FIELD method from /opt/masonsql/htdocs/data/global_autohandler file. Its best to use the method with the _FIELD and _FIND_FIELD methods.

Here are parameters for the GenericSelect_FIELD method:

Parameter Name Description Default Value
widget The type of widget is chosen with the widget parameter. Types of widgets are: 'select', 'htmlselect' or 'divselect'. 'select'
from A .mql file name (without extension). The parameter determines from which table is the contents of the drop-down list.  
buffer A buffer name. The buffer parameter is specific to the default select method.
It tells the method it should save the content of the table in a buffer so it doesn't need to be reloaded every time it is requested.
The parameter is particularly useful with the TABLE form.
width The parameter determines the width of the select field. 80
remote   Undefined.
readonly If readonly is enabled and user clicks on the select element the alert pops ups saying 'Il campo non è modificabile'. 1
empty First option is left empty and has value of empty. Empty string.
empty_descr The empty option displays empty_descr value. Empty string.

See also Adding Select Field, Adding HtmlSelect and Adding DivSelect Field examples.

Other _FIELD Methods

Method Name Description Example
id_persona_FIELD Calls GenericSelect_FIELD with:
from => 'sel_anagrafiche',
with other passed arguments and
find_select_list => ['=' => '=' attribute.
id_gruppi_FIELD Calls GenericSelect_FIELD with:
width => 220,
widget => 'htmlselect',
from => 'sel_gruppi',
with other passed arguments and
find_select_list => ['=' => '=']
select_from => 'sel_gruppi' attributes.
commento_FIELD Calls string widget with:
and with other passed arguments.
<%method commento_FIELD><& /input/string.comp, %ARGS, rows=>2, cols=>80 &></%method>
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