
The HtmlSelect widget is an upgrade of the basic HTML select button.
It is not buffered in contrast to the Select widget.

Input Parameters:

Common Parameters

Parameters common to select.comp, htmlselect.comp and divselect.comp widgets:

Parameter Name Description Default Value
id Select Component's ID. Undefined.
description Tooltip. Empty string.
value Which <option> to select by default after the list has loaded (only works if the list is static or loaded in the form). Undefined.
empty A first option is left empty and has value of empty. Undefined.
empty_descr The empty option displays empty_descr. Empty string.
edit A link to object that allows editing of the select list. Undefined.
bgcolor Value of the background-color. Undefined.
width Width in pixels of the select field. 80
readonly If readonly is enabled and user clicks on the select element the alert pops ups saying 'Il campo non è modificabile'. Undefined.

HtmlSelect Parameters

Parameter Name Description Default Value
source A .mql filename to be queried for the select options. Undefined.
where The where statement used in the query for the select options. Undefined.
disp_template Evaluation function to define the description (the parameters are available with P [n]).
For example: q{P[0]+' '+P[1]}
icon Icon to use. 'find'
cache_params Not implemented. Undefined.


See the Adding Select Field example.
See also the Adding HtmlSelect example and the divselect widget.
Topic revision: r6 - 14 Mar 2024, GuidoBrugnara
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