
The image widget displays the base64 encoded string as an image.
An image upload window pops up in edit mode on mouse click inside the image frame.
On double-click a new window opens displaying the original sized image.

On this page:


Parameter NameSorted descending Description Default Value
$value The input value. Empty string.
$readonly The read-only flag. Empty string which equals to false.
$image_style The widget style parameters. height: 100%; max-width: 400px; max-height: 100px; background-color: transparent;
$id HTML tag ID. Not defined.
$description The description that is displayed when mouse hovers over the widget. Empty string.


An example widget looks like this:


Configuration of the displayed example:
<%method logo_FIELD>\
  <& /input/image.comp, %ARGS,
    description => 'Certificato logo.',
    readonly => 'true'

Upload window in edit mode:

Versione pagina: r5 - 05 Nov 2016, GuidoBrugnara
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