Creating Table With Simple SQL File

In this chapter we will make the orders2.mql file and fill it up with a few simple methods.
We will also add the table in the demo menu in the web application.

On this page:

Referencing Different Table

Referencing different table is achieved with FROM method which overloads the default table name (in this case the default table name would be nonexistent orders2):

<%method FROM>orders<%method>

Linking Table To Permissions

The FUNZIONE method is used together with the public.funzione.nome to select the right set of permissions which are used during the authorization process.

<%method FUNZIONE>Orders</%method>

Adding Table To Menu

This time the only difference from the previous example is that we can reference the table using the FUNZIONE method:

Orders (2) menu settings.

Notice the permission settings. The DemoAdmin user has Delete, Insert, Select and Update permissions to edit the table. The DemoGuest has only Select permission to view the table.

Notice additional detail - the frame.html uses Ver parameter which is useful for preventing browser cache the frame when it is changed. frame.html has other parameters but they are intended to be used only for special cases (for example for testing). It is recommended to add the parameters into the .mql files.

Adding Descriptions

Let's also add FIELDS_DESCRIPTION for the orders table:
<%method DESCRIPTION>Orders from bakery shop cashier's registry.</%method>

<%method FIELDS_DESCR>Price, Commission ID, Employee ID</%method>

With all settings in place the Orders(2) menu displays:

Orders (2) display.

Questa pagina: MasonSQL > WebHome > NewTableWithSimpleSqlFile
Versione pagina: 22 Apr 2018, GuidoBrugnara
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