ODT Reportman Installation

These instructions for installation were checked on Ubuntu Precise (12.04) and Ubuntu Trusty (14.04) with downgrade to Apache 2.2


These packages are prerequisite for the ODT Report Manager:

apt-get -y install libxml-simple-perl
cpan XML::Simple::Sorted
cpan IPC::Run::SafeHandles
cpan Text::Balanced


Because of ODF::lpOD incompatibility with the Perl version 5.14, used by MasonSQL in some deployments, the Perlbrew must be installed to use a newer version of Perl.
See the MasonSQL Configuration Matrix.

To install Perlbrew, with all the necessary libraries, run following perlbrew-deploy.sh script as a root user:

sudo /opt/masonsql/utility/perlbrew-deploy.sh


# Proceed with root privileges.
sudo su -

# Install latest System.LibreOffice (5.0 or later).

# Ubuntu Precise (12.04)
apt-get install python-software-properties
# Ubuntu Trusty (14.04)
# apt-get install software-properties-common

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa
sudo apt-get update
apt-get install openjdk-9-jre libreoffice-writer
# Se si utilizzano anche i file ODS
apt-get install libreoffice-calc
# Install pdftk.
apt-get install pdftk

Unoconv Daemon

Unoconv can be used by ODT Report Manager to convert .odt files to .pdf format.
The OdtConvEngine environment variable must be configured with "OdtConvEngine" as an alternative to "libreoffice".

# Proceed with root privileges.
sudo su -
# Install latest Unoconv.
cd /tmp
apt-get install git
git clone https://github.com/dagwieers/unoconv
cd unoconv/
make install
cd ../
rm -rf unoconv/

# Ubuntu Trusty (14.04) - You must use python3
sed -i~ 's/^#!\/usr\/bin\/env python$/#!\/usr\/bin\/env python3/' /usr/bin/unoconv

# Install and start Unoconv daemon.
ln -s /opt/masonsql/etc/unoconvd /etc/init.d/unoconvd
update-rc.d  unoconvd defaults
service unoconvd start


The queries for creating the ODT tables are in the /opt/masonsql/utility/sql/odt_report_tables.mql file.

Before applying the queries the owner name postgres must be changed to the new owner name my_db_owner_name.


ODT Report Manager uses a couple of Apache configuration variables.
Following is an example configuration in the /opt/my_app_name/etc/apache2.my_app_name-devel.my_domain_name.conf file:

# Path of this apache configuration file
PerlSetVar ConfigPath /opt/my_app_name/etc/apache2.my_app_name-devel.my_domain_name.conf

# Temporary directory
PerlSetVar TmpDir   /opt/my_app_name/tmp

# Default report engine configuration: 
# rep = old Report Manager
# odt = new ODT Report printed in odt format
# pdf = new ODT Report printed in pdf format
PerlSetVar DefaultReportEngine "pdf"

# ODT Reportman's access to DB
PerlSetVar ReportDBIconnect "dbi:Pg:dbname=my_db_name;user=report;password=MyReportPassword"

# Archive for templates
PerlSetVar InputFilesArchive "/opt/my_app_name/archive"

The InputFilesArchive is used by Files Component. The component stores its files in the sub-directories which must be created:

cd /opt/my_app_name/archive
mkdir public
chown www-data:www-data public
mkdir odt_reports
chown root:www-data odt_reports
chmod 775 odt_reports

Without correct access permissions for the application's Apache config file the ODT Report Manager returns an error. Example of correctly set permissions:

-rw-r----- 1 root www-data 10182 Aug 19 12:13  /opt/my_app_name/etc/apache2.labs.leader.it.conf

In order to apply changes, Apache configuration file must be reloaded:

/etc/init.d/apache2 reload

Functions and Permissions

Example setup of the ODT Reportman's permissions:

Topic revision: r20 - 08 Sep 2023, GuidoBrugnara
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