
The Text Span widget is used for grouping elements in a document without being itself visually changed.
It also provides a way to add a hook to a part of a text or a part of a document.
Hooked text span elements can be used for adding styles or other additional text features.

Input Parameters:


Parameter Name DescriptionSorted descending Default Value
width Width in pixels of the select field. Undefined.
value view database table field and the value to render Empty string.
bgcolor Value of the background-color. Undefined.
description Tooltip. Empty string.
empty_descr The empty option displays empty_descr. Empty string.
id Select ID. Undefined.
size Parameter deprecated - has been replaced by $ width Undefined.
disp_template eval function to define the description. Undefined.




The demo demonstration is available here.


<& /input/span.comp, 
    id =>'Span1', 
    description=>'Test oggetto span',  
    style=>'background-color:yellow; width:400;', 
    value => 'BINGO' &>

 function InitAll(){
   var obj = document.getElementById('Span1');
   obj.set_value('BENE, FUNZIONA!!!');
Versione pagina: r8 - 21 Sep 2016, GuidoBrugnara
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