
The Timestamp widget is combination of date and time widgets. It is used when it is required both date and time. The date and time must be specified in DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM format.

Input Parameters:


Parameter NameSorted descending Description Default Value
value change read/write Empty string.
readonly can't change state if in readonly mode Undefined.
id Select ID. Undefined.
description Tooltip. Empty string.




The demonstration of the demo is available here.


You must set readonly to 1.

<h2>Readonly example</h2>
<& /input/timestamp.comp, 
        id => 'test_timestamp',
        value => '1/04/2016 16:00',
        readonly => 1,
        onchange => 'alert("New timestamp Data:"+this.get_value());',
        description => 'Test ReadOnly Descrizione timestamp',


default readonly is 0 so you can remove parameter or you can set to 0 or undef.

<h2>Write example</h2>
<& /input/timestamp.comp, 
        id => 'test_timestamp1',
        value => '1/04/2016 10:10',
        readonly => 0,
        onchange => 'alert("New timestamp Data:"+this.get_value());',
        description => 'Test Write Descrizione timestamp',
Versione pagina: r6 - 21 Sep 2016, JanezStangelj
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