Network Monitoring - Real Time Control and Availability Verification

The increasing computerization and the move to computerized procedures even in critical areas makes the containment of problems that affect computer systems indispensable; service outages for technical reasons must be more limited in consuming resources each day.

We find that the real time monitoring of systems and their related services among the most efficient and useful ways to contain these disruptions; it is evident that it is impossible to controll every single system independently in isolation, but it is necessary to centralize the monitoring function in one or more redundant points in order to have an overview of the system.

This is where the need for a centralized and possibly redundant control system was created, from which to monitor the system's state in real time (active, CPU load, disk space, network connection, temperature, etc), as well as the state of the services (e-mail services, WEB, FTP, file sharing, etc). The possibility of having the situation under control on the part of technical specialists not only allows for quick problem solving when problems arise, but also to intervene even before users notice any problems.

Moreover, monitoring systems allows technical specialists to prevent certain types of problems, among which for example are intrusion attempts, the deterioration of network connections, and the exhaustion of disk space, etc.

An automated monitoring system in real time is also able to alert technical specialists even if they themselves aren't present in the control rooms, through the use of e-mail and SMS.

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Topic revision: 23 Jun 2016, PaoloRomero
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