
This widget is used for personal fiscal and VAT identification codes used in Italy.

Input Parameters:


The widget checks the validity of inserted code:
  • VAT number is numeric with 11 digits
  • Italian personal fiscal identification code is alfa-numeric string of 16 digits.

Parameter Name DescriptionSorted descending Default Value
trans U : upper - all uppercase characters; L : lower - all lowercase U.
description Tooltip. Empty string.
id Select ID. Undefined.
width Helps construct value of the style. Undefined.
value change read/write Empty string.
readonly can't change state if in readonly mode Undefined.




The demonstration of the demo is available here.

Italian Fiscal Code in Lower Case

<h2>Italian Fiscal code example With Lower Case</h2>
<& /input/codfisc_pi.comp, 
        id => 'test1',
	value => 'mrtmtt25d09f205z',
	trans => 'L',
	readonly => 0,
        description => 'Fiscal code example'

Italian Fiscal Code in Upper Case

<h2>Italian Fiscal code example With Upper Case</h2>
<& /input/codfisc_pi.comp, 
        id => 'test2',
	trans => 'U',
	readonly => 0,
	value => 'MRTMTT25D09F205Z',	
	width => 200,
        description => 'Fiscal code example'

Italian VAT Number

<h2>Italian VAT No example</h2>
<& /input/codfisc_pi.comp, 
        id => 'test3',
	value => '12345678901',	
	readonly => 0,
	width => 200,
        description => 'VAT No example'
Topic revision: r5 - 21 Sep 2016, JanezStangelj
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