
The DivSelect widget is the most sophisticated of the three available select widgets. Its intended for showing more complex drop-down lists.
It has many attributes that can be configured. The widget is not buffered similarly to the HtmlSelect widget.

Input Parameters:

Common Parameters

Parameters common to select.comp, htmlselect.comp and divselect.comp widgets:

Parameter Name Description Default Value
id Select Component's ID. Undefined.
description Tooltip. Empty string.
value Which <option> to select by default after the list has loaded (only works if the list is static or loaded in the form). Undefined.
empty A first option is left empty and has value of empty. Undefined.
empty_descr The empty option displays empty_descr. Empty string.
edit A link to object that allows editing of the select list. Undefined.
bgcolor Value of the background-color. Undefined.
width Width in pixels of the select field. 80
readonly If readonly is enabled and user clicks on the select element the alert pops ups saying 'Il campo non è modificabile'. Undefined.

DivSelect Parameters

Parameter Name DescriptionSorted descending Default Value
Detail_width Width of the detail window. 800
where The where statement used in the query for the select options. Empty string.
orderby The order by statement used in the query for the select options. Empty string.
query_param Optional parameter to be added to the query for the select options. Empty string.
rows Number of lines to be displayed in the selection. 20
cache_params Not implemented. Undefined.
Detail_from If defined each record has additional button to call a separate form displaying the record's details; See also the description for the Detail_from parameter. Undefined.
icon Icon to use. 'find'
Detail_height Height of the detail window. 600
disp_template Evaluation function to define the description (the parameters are available with P [n]).
For example: q{P[0]+' '+P[1]}
insert_descr Description of the 'new record' input button (undefined when the button is not displayed). Undefined.
empty_button Description displayed in the 'select empty field' button. Undefined.
cols Array representing widths of columns. (280)
insert_copyfields A list that indicates which fields in a new record will be only copied by the filter. Empty list.
insert_parameters A list that indicates which fields in a new record will be modified. Empty list.
buttons A list of additional buttons. Empty list.
from A .mql filename to be queried for the select options. Undefined.


See the Adding Select Field example.
See also the Using DivSelect Field example.
Topic revision: r6 - 14 Mar 2024, GuidoBrugnara
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