XLS Methods

Method NameSorted descending Description Default Contents
xls Is the method that is called when user presses the XLS button.
Its default behavior can be changed with SELECT_XLS, SELECT_XLS_FIELDS and TYPE_FIELDS_XLS methods.
The method exports currently displayed table into the .xls file.
The Xls permissions relate specifically to this function.
TYPE_FIELDS_XLS A list of field types in the XLS table. If the method is not defined the xls method tries to obtain field types from the database.
(In old release <= 1.9.1, inclusive in the initial position with the format (number) of the primary key)
Not defined.
SELECT_XLS_FIELDS A list of select fields for the query from the xls method. The list configures SqlSelect() subroutine. <%method SELECT_XLS_FIELDS>
SELECT_XLS A select query that configures SqlSelect() subroutine from the xls method. <%method SELECT_XLS>
Versione pagina: r9 - 07 Oct 2021, GuidoBrugnara
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