
The Form widget provides possibility to use forms in a popup window.

Input Parameters:


Parameter Name Description Default Value
id Select ID. Undefined.
description Tooltip. Empty string.
value value to render . Empty string.
readonly can't change state if in readonly mode Undefined.
width width of form box. Undefined.
bgcolor background color of form box. Undefined.
popupWidth Width of Popup Window. 800.
popupHeight Height of Popup Window. 600.
from made document from a list ( just the name , without extension and path " .... / data / ". Empty string.
where where clause to apply. Empty string.
orderby 'Order by clause' to be applied. Empty string.
empty leave the first field empty list with " value" equal to the $ content empty. Undefined.
empty_descr description to display for the field ' empty '. Empty string.
formParameters list of parameters passed to open form.
Parameters are defined in FrameHtml
{form=>'TABLE', rows=>4}
disp_template eval function to define the description ( the parameters are available with P [ n ] ). Undefined.
query_param optional parameter to be sent to the server with each call record in. Empty string.
icon icon to use. 'find'.




The example is available here.

Example 1

Form Example1.PNG

<H3>form example 1</h3>
  <& /input/form.comp,
    id => 'IdWidgetFormTest',
    from => '/public/anagrafiche',
    value => '6',
    popupWidth => 840,
    popupHeight => 580,
    formParameters => {
      form => 'FORM',
      disp_print => 0,
      find_area => undef,
    size => 300,
    rows => 10,
    onclick => "alert('click'); |",
    onchange => "alert('changed val:'+this.get_value());",
    empty => '',
    empty_descr => 'nobody'

Example 2

Is an example with different size, color and other additional parameters.

Form Example2.PNG

<& /input/form.comp,
    id => 'IdWidgetFormTest1',
    from => '/public/anagrafiche',
    value => '4',
    readonly => 0,
    popupWidth => 700,
    popupHeight => 500,
    formParameters => {
      form => 'FORM',
      disp_print => 2,
      find_area => undef,
    bgcolor => 'pink',
    size => 300,
    width => 40,
    rows => 10,
    onclick => "alert('click'); |",
    onchange => "alert('changed val:'+this.get_value());",
    empty => 'EMPTY',
    empty_descr => 'nobody'
I AllegatoSorted descending Azione Dimensione Data Chi Commento
Form_Main_Screen.PNGPNG Form_Main_Screen.PNG gestione 4 K 21 Apr 2016 - 16:50 DipenPatel Form Main Screen
Form_Example2.PNGPNG Form_Example2.PNG gestione 29 K 21 Apr 2016 - 16:52 DipenPatel Form Example2
Form_Example1.PNGPNG Form_Example1.PNG gestione 30 K 21 Apr 2016 - 16:51 DipenPatel Form Example1
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