Proprietary Classes

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The MasonSQL Authentication library consists of two classes:
  • Auth_AC::AuthBasicHandler handles Session-based Authentication.
  • Auth_AC::AuthCookieHandler handles Token-based Authentication (with cookies). It uses Apache2::AuthCookie internally.


The MasonX::Plugin::UTF8 handles UFT-8 character encoding.


The MasonSQL::ApacheHandler is intended for customized handling of errors.


The MasonSQL::CompRootHandler2 makes list of MasonCompRoot values from the Apache configuration file. The MasonCompRoot values are component root folders which define where in the application folders and in framework folder the Mason can look for components.

MasonSQL::CompRootHandler (deprecated)

The MasonSQL::CompRootHandler is the old handler used with the Apache version 1.3 and is now deprecated.


The MasonSQL::Escapes class offers functions for formatting HTML, XML and Javascript escaped strings.

See also documentation for the HTML::Mason::Escapes class.


The MasonSQL::JSLogger class handles Javascript logging.


The MasonSQL::JSONRPCUtils class is used for constructing and sending JSON formatted error message responses.
Versione pagina: r2 - 05 Feb 2016, JanezStangelj
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