
The Timestamp widget is combination of date and time widgets. It is used when it is required both date and time. The date and time must be specified in DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM format.

Input Parameters:


Parameter NameSorted ascending Description Default Value
description Tooltip. Empty string.
id Select ID. Undefined.
readonly can't change state if in readonly mode Undefined.
value change read/write Empty string.




The demonstration of the demo is available here.


You must set readonly to 1.

<h2>Readonly example</h2>
<& /input/timestamp.comp, 
        id => 'test_timestamp',
        value => '1/04/2016 16:00',
        readonly => 1,
        onchange => 'alert("New timestamp Data:"+this.get_value());',
        description => 'Test ReadOnly Descrizione timestamp',


default readonly is 0 so you can remove parameter or you can set to 0 or undef.

<h2>Write example</h2>
<& /input/timestamp.comp, 
        id => 'test_timestamp1',
        value => '1/04/2016 10:10',
        readonly => 0,
        onchange => 'alert("New timestamp Data:"+this.get_value());',
        description => 'Test Write Descrizione timestamp',
Versione pagina: r6 - 21 Sep 2016, JanezStangelj
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