
The String widget is used for input fields that contain a strings.
The string length can be defined in the .mql file or preferably directly in the database.

Input Parameters:

The widget's two main parameters are:

Input Parameter Description Default Value
rows Displays <input> field when the $rows value is not specified or its value is one.
Displays <textarea> when the $rows value is greater than one.
value Input string. Empty string.

Besides displaying the input field the component also connects it with interactive functionality setting the:
onkeypress, onkeydown, onchange, onmouseover, onmouseout to related function names from the string.js.

See also String Length example.

Parameters Passed To <input> Tag

Input Parameter Description Default Value
id ID value. Undefined.
length Value of the maxlength. 12
size Value of the size. int($length)
width Helps construct value of the style. Undefined.
password Helps construct value of the type. Undefined.
readonly If it's defined it sets the tag to readOnly. Undefined.

Parameters Passed To <textarea> Tag

Input Parameter Description Default Value
id ID value. Undefined.
length The default value of the cols parameter. 12
width Helps construct value of style parameter. Undefined.
cols Value of the cols parameter. ceil($length/$rows) otherwise undefined.
readonly If it's defined it sets the tag to readOnly Undefined.

Parameters Passed To Input_String_Init() Function

Input_String_Init() function creates JavaScript object using Input_Init() from input.comp and sets its properties.

Input Parameter DescriptionSorted ascending Default Value
ignore_chars Obj.ignoreChars regular expression determines which pressed keys to ignore . Empty string.
length Obj.maxLength 12
trans Obj.trans string configures how to translate the input string:
* U or u - converts the input string to upper case.
* L or l - converts the input string to lower case.
trim Obj.trim string configures how to trim the input string:
* R - trim the right side spaces.
* L - trim the left side spaces.
* <other_character> - trim any other characters from the string.
valid_chars Obj.validChars regular expression determines which pressed keys to validate. '.*'
id Object name. Undefined.
description Object tooltip. Empty string.
Versione pagina: r7 - 14 Mar 2024, GuidoBrugnara
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