Free Software

Leader.IT uses up to 90% of free software for the development of new software for internal management.

The remaining 10% is due largely in part of the need of developing and testing interoperability solutions for mixed environments, but also for compatibility issues imposed by commercial policies of proprietary software producers that prevent you from having availability of formats to achieve 100% interoperability.

Free software projects developed internally or with partners

Based on MasonSQL framework

Others (historical)

  • NvAudio - Digital multi-track recording system with a specific interface for the blind (Licence Gpl)
  • DmsFax - Electronic document archiving and fax management system in a multiuser and multi-locational environment on the internet network (Licence AGPLv1)
  • OpenClassroom Class management system for schools. (Licenza Gpl)
  • Restore All PC classroom and network backup system (Licence AGPLv1)

Social commitment

We are committed to numerous initiatives to concretely promote and sustain Free Software.


  • Free software in Italy by Andrea Glorioso The book offers a panoramic view on the state of the art of FLOSS (Free, Libre and Open Source Software) in Italy ...

  • Dal Software Libero all'Economia verso una società della condivisione (From Free Software in the Economy towards a society of sharing) by Andrea Piazza.
    The book suggests a general rethinking of our society and economy based on global principles such as openness, sharing, and reciprocity

  • Come passare al software libero e vivere felici (How to switch to free software and live happily) by Stefano Barale.
    The book explains why one can make critical consumption even in computing, and gives one the possibility of testing a free operating system, such as Linux.

  • Resolution of the Government of the Autonomous Province of Trento, n° 1492 - 2005 The provincial government of Trento has approved the guidelines on the interoperability of computing systems and of open source software ...
  • Interoperability and Open Source Task Force Final report prepared by the Technical Committee of Experts for the E-Society (June 2005). The document summarises the results and expands the discussions through stating the recommendations discussed in the resolution.
  • Approved text Provincial Law of 27 July 2012, n. 16 - "Disposizioni per la promozione della societa' dell'informazione e dell'amministrazione digitale e per la diffusione del software libero e dei formati di dati aperti" (Provisions for the promotion of the digital administration and information society and for the dissemination of free software and open data formats) (GU n. 34 of 1-9-2012 ) - Autonomous Province of Trento
  • Solidarity Economy Provincial Law - Provincial Law of 17 June 2010, n. 13 "Promozione e sviluppo dell'economia solidale e della responsabilità sociale delle imprese" (Promotion and development of the solidarity economy and the social responsibility of companies) (b.u. 22 June 2010, n. 25) - Autonomous Province of Trento which expressly states free software (Art. 3, section 2).
Topic revision: r23 - 01 Nov 2024, GuidoBrugnara
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